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Comment Re:Republicans are totally out to lunch on this is (Score 1) 234

Who's standing in the way? The issue is that in several states, cable companies, after invited state legislatures out for squab and cigars, have had laws passed with expressly forbid exactly the kind of competition you cite. They love being the only game in town.

Comment Re: Republicans are totally out to lunch on this i (Score 1) 234

So long as localities get to vote on this sort of situation, I see a much smaller problem than if the cable companies are able to lobby a state legislature into getting government to give them a lock on the entire state. That is the situation the FCC just ruled against.

Comment Republicans are totally out to lunch on this issue (Score 2) 234

And I speak as a Republican. Unless there's some outrageous hidden agenda yet to emerge, net neutrality just means that Internet service over cable, because it is in many places a natural monopoly, is henceforth to be treated as a utility, like your electrical service. How you use the watt-hours you buy for your home is your own business, and we are all more free if the same applies to your Internet feed. Regulation of business is something we by instinct would rather not have, but if you live in an area where Comcast is the only game in town, treating it as a utility is more palatable than giving a single company full control of your access to the Internet.

Whether to build municipal broadband is a decision that any locality should be allowed to make for itself. Because wired Internet service so often is a natural monopoly, there are all kinds of situations in which towns or villages or even small neighborhoods find themselves cut off from any service by a company that simply does not feel it worthwhile to extend service to that market. Value decisions like this should be the company's right, but has no business standing in the way of any group of users who wish to band together to organize service of their own.

Comment Re:Who did the study? (Score 4, Insightful) 341

You have your grimy, bridge-girder-mangled finger on the reason why climate activists are doomed, I say, doomed.

When scientists render their final verdict on the carbon warming hypothesis, it will be one of these alternatives:

1. Manmade warming is somewhere in the range of nonexistent to exaggerated. Activists' heads explode.
2. Manmade warning is some value of significant to apocalyptic. If we need to immediately stop emitting carbon, we will have to nuclear. If there is already too much carbon in the atmosphere, we will have to geoengineer. The activists' heads explode.

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