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Comment Re: Getting tired of this shit (Score 1) 282

I'm not a believer in "alternative" medicine, including your witch doctors. I just want to be able to buy conventional medical services on an open market, in the same way that I shop for electronics. If I'm prescribed a medication, I want to be able to shop the world market for the best deal, just as the Canadian government does. If the Silicon Valley disruptors were to offer me a medical market, this is the market that would be most important to me. I don't care that much about the rare occasions when I need a cab ride.

Comment We need a new testig paradigm (Score 1) 193

It's time we came up with a twenty-frst century alternative to the randomized trial, like creating a supercomputer model of the human body to test drugs agaionst,

Giving half your test population of cancer patients a placebo may be merely unethical, but giving half your population of Ebola patiets a placebo could take out an entire country.

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