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Submission + - First Glimpse of Oculus Rift 2.0 Found In Wired Article Image (

muterobert writes: [quote]
There are a couple of things of interest here. Firstly – the HMD itself seems to be a new construction – likely a unique working prototype. Secondly, note the thin orange cable which runs from the HMD (marked ‘B’ on the image) down onto the floor and up to what appears to be a wall mounted device with cables channelled into the whiteboard next to the monitor. Could this be an imaging device with an uplink to the new HMD? If so is this the first glimpse of the next generation Oculus Rift positional tracking rumoured to make an appearance at CES in January 2014?

Submission + - Valve Adds 'VR Support' Category to Steam - The VR Revolution is Underway (

muterobert writes: [quote]
Steam, Valve’s digital distribution platform, now includes a ‘VR Support’ category, making it easy to search the entire Steam library for Oculus Rift games. Currently four titles are listed as part of the category, with many sure to follow as Rift game developers mark their games with VR support.

Submission + - The Science Behind The InfinitEye's Panoramic Virtual Reality Experience (

muterobert writes: The Oculus Rift has competition, and it's incredible. The InfinitEye has a 210 Field of View (compared with the Oculus Rift's 90) and surrounds your peripheral vision in the game completely. Paul James from RoadToVR goes in-depth with the team behind the new device and finds out how high FOV Virtual Reality really works.

At the present time, we are using 4 renders, 2 per eye. Left eye renders are centered on left eye, the first render is rotated 90 left and the second looks straight ahead, building two sides of a cube. Right eye renders are centered on its position, the first is rotated 90 degree right and the second looks straight ahead, two sides of another cube. We then process those renders in a final pass, building the distorted image.

Submission + - Hands-on with Avegant's Impressive Virtual Retinal Head Mounted Display (

muterobert writes: "Avegant is creating a unique head mounted display that uses an impressive virtual retinal display, a screen-less technology that projects an image directly onto your retina."

"At one point I was looking at a sea turtle in shallow coral waters. Sunlight was beaming down from the surface and illuminating the turtle’s shell in a spectacular way—it was one of the most vivid and natural things I’ve ever seen on any display. The scene before me looked incredibly real, even though the field of view is not at immersive levels."

Submission + - RoadToVR - InfinitEye Exclusive Hands-On - the 210 Degree FOV Oculus Rift Beater (

muterobert writes: "InfinitEye is a prototype head mounted display that uses dual 1280×800 displays to create a massive 210 degree field of view. I traveled to Toulouse, France to be the first journalist in the world to go hands-on with the unit. These are my thoughts on the trip, the team, and the HMD itself."

"Natural and Panoramic Virtual Reality”

is the best phrase I can come up with that summarises the InfinitEye’s capabilities. If using the Oculus Rift is like opening the sunroof on a virtual world, the InfinitEye takes the roof clean off—at least if you base your opinion solely on horizontal FOV. But the new HMD also offers 1280×800 per eye in comparison the current Oculus Rift Dev Kit’s 640×800 (and only slightly fewer pixels per eye than the Oculus Rift HD prototype)"

Submission + - Oculus Rift Gets Half-Life 2, Outerra and 3D Box Fractal Flythrough! (

Hesh writes: Now that all 10,000 developers will have received their dev kits by the end of May ( completely new experiences and updates to popular games are flooding in. Valve's classic, Half-Life 2, has finally gained VR support that actually works beautifully ( Also, the open-world 3D engine Outerra has added initial support for the Rift which will open up the possibility of planet-sized procedurally generated environments ( Lastly, a fly through generated with Boxplorer2 tailored for the Oculus Rift gives the mind-blowing experience of what it is like to fly through 3D fractal worlds (; realtime support for this should be possible on today's hardware so hopefully it will arrive sooner rather than later!

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