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Comment Re:Science gets Smarter (Score 2) 227

well it's basically the better versed someone is in a specific domain, they get hit with the double whammy of getting out of practice in everything else, while maintaining the delusion that they are masters in anything they attempt.

Linus Pauling later in his career is a /fantastic/ example of this.

Comment Re:let me weigh in on this (Score 1) 144

I have a friend who is big on using the google voice search, regardless of location, decorum, or social cues. Random conversation over dinner at a fairly empty restaurant, he goes to look up a quick fact, and rather than type it in on his phone, he loudly and clearly enunciates his question. A future where this becomes the normal behavior, really fucking irritates me.


Comment Re:let me weigh in on this (Score 1) 144

just wait until the sensors are strong enough to pick up brainwaves. pretend to read a sentence and bam, the NSA can finally get inside that square foot or so grey matter they so desperately want.

Thoughts of sedition will finally be curtailed before they can blossom into heresy. Winston will be saved after all.

Comment Re:What's the point ? (Score 1) 76

Because you can usually measure these guys' egos by how many billions they have. Also, if you have billions of dollars, why the fuck WOULDN'T you want to do something as freaking cool as pretending to be 1960's NASA?

Or at the worst, it's not much different than asking why grown men do fantasy baseball/football. It's a hobby, just with significantly more zero's than the average joe.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

so what if in response to the decrease in calories, his body down-regulated expenditure? (less spontaneous activity, lower temperature, etc).

Bear in mind the sheer accuracy we'd need to maintain with consumption/intake to maintain weight over any length of time.

Comment Re:danger vs taste (Score 1) 630

dude. if type 2 diabetes is caused by the pancreas burning out from having to overproduce insulin; and carbs have a 'glycemic load' (how much insulin is released in response to consumption) wouldn't be beyond fucking obvious that the composition of your carb intakes is very much a serious issue?

What you're saying is akin to: "Outside of specific risks of gunshot wounds to the head causing death, there is no 'right' balance to Russian Roulette having adverse effects on your health."

Comment Re:How about this.. (Score 2) 62

There's a difference though, your busybody neighbors still have some accountability to you. they're out in the open -- they don't get to hide behind 1x1 invisible pixels spying on your web use habits. Further, if they got out of line, you could punch them in the nose (figuratively). Google or a CC company? They get to hide behind layers of customer service representatives and EULA's.

The sad truth is until the advertising bubble pops (and it will) we're stuck with this massive invasion of privacy, and stupid attempts to monetize tracking data.

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