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Comment Re: iPad too fucking expensive (Score 1) 139

You are all missing the point here, the county cannot afford it, mind control works on people but not on the bottom line. Based upon the fact the California Lotto was accepted and implemented to fund the cost of education means there is obviously something wrong with that program.

Shitcan the lotto, or fix it.

Comment Re:Exactly! (Score 1) 149

I would tend to disagree on theft with no victims. What happens when the person that got their medical records stolen finds this was promoted by or done by the people that now harass them on the phone. And when said victim shows up on their doorstep with a baseball bat because the law (not unlike 9/11) failed to act and have now produced case law that will prevent them from having to act on it in the future? I think their are more individual people than corporations, think the law will fail to act on backlash?

Comment Re:International protest month (Score 1) 65


Great idea, then the NSA can justify a bigger black budget in a country that has been floating on credit since it went bankrupt in 1971 as a direct result of what the mob did in the late 50's/early 60's beyond turning national security into a fucking joke. It is completely understandable as to why they did what they did to Snowden, and not in a good way. The more people they push towards the edge, the more that will start playing it like they have nothing left to lose. Think Bosnia.

Comment Re: What I want to know is? (Score 1) 69

"Thugs", being the big and scary type tend to fight with other "thugs", this can be used to reduce the size of their network but can be expedited with a bit of instigation. If they can force organized crime on the people, then the people can organize a "Valentines Day" on them. Beyond that this country still holds the 1st amendment, anything that bleeds can be killed, most laws under the condition of emergency do not apply.

Alternatively a law can be drafted to render known members of the "thugs" aka the "mob", to be rendered stateless just like they did with Snowden.

Comment Re:As always the definition of a terrorist (Score 1) 127

I would think the financial end run on all this would be more terrorizing but they won't be too worried until the oil business selects a replacement primary currency which appears to be in the works, and other countries start to refuse the US dollar as payment. Then maybe they will stop the money printing presses, stop increasing the debt ceiling and realize their scam is over and the union will break up, or worse: revolt. Mob runs on two sets of books and can evade the bottom line, entire countries can't.

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