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Comment Re:Compile errors (Score 2) 107

Same here, but in some weird way the '.so' file is there and a header file which has a 'duplicate function' in it named 's2n_shutdown', maybe they wanted to make sure it shuts down.
btw I'm making a .net wrapper at
only a few hours spent figuring this thing out/coding, any help is appreciated people.

Comment Get half a dozen boxes all over the world (Score 3, Interesting) 50

I've been doing it for 8+ years now, takes some time to set up all the applications(transmission, youtube-dl, proxychains, rsync, ...), but it's very well worth the time.
One in Germany, one in UK, one in LA, one in SEA. You can have access to every damn file on the Internet.

Comment I just checked the program (Score 1) 64

It's UTTER SHIT. no features, no details. no advanced filtering.
You can't even filter a specific port/protocol, the only thing it does is reading yahoo chat
SSL decryption is non-existent
Anything you think should be there is not
I have no idea why anyone would use/hack it, tcpdump is like 20 times stronger, It's not even comparable with wireshark.

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