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Comment Similar for housing? (Score 1) 176

I wonder if they could do a similar study for housing. Older houses probably use more energy for climate control and they would need more things replaced. Though there was probably an increase in cohabitation (couples, people moving in with parents, getting roommates to save on rent) which might offset anything else.

Comment Re:So nothing happened? (Score 1) 135

Yeah so they're not required by law to black it out but the NFL will probably still want that to happen so they get ticket/concession sales. So then they'll just set it up in the contract with the cable networks to work the same as before and the cable networks will go with it because people watch the NFL and they don't want to lose that. Cable networks get eyeballs on the screen and the NFL gets butts in seats. Everyone wins but us.

Comment So nothing happened? (Score 3, Insightful) 135

The NFL can still black games out. I guess they'll just have to negotiate the rules with the cable networks? If that's how it goes then games will still get blacked out all the time because the networks won't give up the NFL over that rule. Maybe I'm reading this wrong.

Comment NHL has used them for years (Score 1) 107

You'll see coaches drawing up plays on them, players watching replays on them, even when they're not using them you can see them tucked away in a pocket on the bench showing the live broadcast. Not sure why the NFL has to be stuck with still pictures. I'm also not sure why the NFL has to use tablets to show those pictures when they could just print the HD color pictures. And doesn't $400M seem like a bit much? Ramble ramble ramble ramble....

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