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Comment Re:first to post Clockwork Orange (Score 1) 81

Well put, though a bit fallacious.

Reddit, HN and even slashdot are not censorship, but democratic rule of the mob. Majority conservative groupthink silencing the outrageous opposition.

Mobs can be smart (delphi method), or dumb (torches and pitchforks).

Sadly its often the case of the latter because people refuse to be rational about their confirmation bias. Exact same thing goes in politics or cultures in general.

But I'd defer dissing democracy as such just because people are so bad at executing it.

Comment Re:DNS blocking failure (Score 1) 437

Operator of VPN/proxy endpoint RBL here (private, for obvious reasons). Lists >90% of VPNs, just a soft filter used to detect credit card fraud. Centralized commercial VPNs are a joke. Just subscribe to all major providers, scrape their endpoint servers. Services like VPNGate make some effort to hinder scraping, but still not nearly enough (also volunteer driven and free just like Tor, thus slow and unreliable). tl;dr: If MPAA will win this bullshit, "Virtual Commercial Network" $5 surcharge to watch netflix will cease to exist as such, and people will be back to "Virtual Private Networks", which are magnitude harder "tech savvy", impossible to commoditize, thus nothing MPAA would care about.

Comment Re:One stupid question (Score 1) 88

Coinbase is more like OTC currency exchanger. Retail broker. Indeed moneychangers also often source coins on actual exchanges as their volumes are often skewed only in one direction (very few sell on coinbase).

But your typical bitcoin exchange is a tad bit of different beast - notably, it is not Forex OTC at all, but more like capital markets. In fact very few forex parallels can be drawn. All they care about is volume. Federated digital currency forex networks do exist though - Ripple - but it has it's share of problems and is nowhere near as popular.

Comment Re:I really have no choice... (Score 1) 170

There is no 'free' market, and there never has been.

Luckily life is not that black and white as portrayed, there are often a lot of shades of grey.

Telco situation in the US is failed regulation, as is telco in Korea successful regulation. Both are cases of state monopolies, but it depends who is in power to influence government. Go blame failed US democracy, not free markets.

Free markets for last-mile work more or less in densely populated places. Some european countries and russia have as much as 30% of heavily competing WISP penetration.

Comment Possible with PoW blockchain (Score 1) 170

Taken from gmaxwell's altcoin wishlist: POW which turns the distributed computation into ticking for timelock encryption
  • An infinite sequence of nothing-up-my-sleeve numbers are taken as an infinte sequence of ECC public keys. Searching the pow involves finding distinguished points along a Pollard's rho DLP solution trying to crack the key. When the key is cracked the problem is advanced to the next key.
  • People can then encrypt messages with all of the keys between now and sometime in the future and network will crack them, achieving a timelock.
  • Probably incompatible with merged mining and other POW schemes.
  • Making the difficulty adaptive either makes far in the future messages impossible (because the problem size wouldn't be known long in advance), or requires increasingly big headers as the difficulty would require working on multiple problems concurrently.
  • The obvious constructions using ECDLP as the asymmetric problem are not progress free.

Comment Re: Pen testing and auditing (Score 1) 158

You may be mistaken. Information assurance is fundamentally a management discipline that requires some technical knowledge

Fitting managerial roles in same field rarely counts as escaping field of expertise - while encountering dilbert-esque opportunist drones is fairly common, good managers have to divide their time equally between the technical world and the beancounters above - they have to be good at both. Hiearchy within same department shall not be confused with different department.

Incidentally, infosec folks often tend to put their skill to good use in other fields once they get burned out by silly corporate theatrics. Private investigators, LEA contractors and even army are suitable for this peculiar way of critical thinking.

Comment Re: Pen testing and auditing (Score 1) 158

I'm curious exactly how narrow field such as infosec, like pen testing and software audits is not IT. How is that different from say, webdesign?

Sure, there are the usual drones who just preach the common sense policies and oversee that things are by the book (FIPS/ISO). Social engineering is the most common vector after all, but even they need some fairly deep comprehesion of what goes on. Calling it field separate from IT sounds unrealistic, at least for now - the market is too new, basically kindergarten. When there will be actual companies providing insurance plans covering data leaks, hacking would deserve to be called relevant branch of security.

Comment Re:Silly language games. (Score 1) 745

TLDR: Quantum Turing Machine > Turing Machine. Our parent universe might be just another QC, but also something of even "higher state of being".

Blenders are not turing-complete ("computer") in our universe, but might as well be in the parent one - thus, we should not be discriminating against blenders.

Quantum Turing Machine can simulate both universes, TM or QTM efficiently. However running a QTM machine inside TM simulated universe is awfully impractical, as much are our current Quantum Computer simulators running on present day TM hardware.

This can be taken quite far from here. If we are just segment in chain of universes, each subsequent universe is inferior to previous one "for technical reasons". For example, our universes upper bound might be that of time, because creating simulation without flow of time might have been simply technically impractical for our Gods - their universe might have limits of its own to merit that.

Comment Actually, this is how peering agreements work (Score 1) 213

"Throttling" between autonomous systems is common.

Think of it as series of tubes, and between some places, the tubes are thinner. Usually wherever AS POP meet and the exchange arrangement is not settlement-free, but capped to some numbers in (either) direction. Or the port is simply running red-hot.

When two big ISPs refuse to reach a compromise on peering terms, it's usually the users who suffer. Think of the Sprint vs. cogent drama.

Commercial internet worked like that since uh ... always. ISP peering is market driven - that is, there is clearly "demand" for data from AWS, but Verizon is a monopoly which can afford to extort AWS to cough up money, and Amazon/whomever are reluctant to cave in.

Net neutrality term is a bit of oxymoron in the light of this, as there was never one to begin with. The problem is simply lack of last-mile competition in the US, as those operators are not pressed by competition to provide quality bandwidth to end users from relevant places as needed.

Refusing to peer with competing service, and offering local service of their own is entirely legit as well. As long the consumer is given choice of different ISP to flee to....

Comment Re:Not a question of preference (Score 1) 545

The sexism IRL is indeed there and hard to deal with.

Online, things are vastly different though. When women take the shortcut online ("look look, i have boobs and know ruby"), it's entirely their fault for watering down her credibility with that in front of predominantly male audience - men are inherently sexist creatures. If a woman wants to avoid that and be judged on actual merit without the "boob bias", how hard is to simply play it cool?

Comment Re:from a woman dev (yeah I'm posting anon) (Score 2) 545

Tech fields are meritocracy at its best, yet most "nerdy" women underestimate the concept, take a shortcut: "look, look, I've got boobs.". And are like "hurr durr, sexism." in turn. If you want credit, simply omit the fact you're a female for a while, and try to garner it on merit alone. The after-shock "A 'mere' girl did $THING?" effect is priceless and will earn you an actual respect/street cred.

C&H explains it well

PROTIP to deal with sexism IRL: Start a rumour you used to be a man until recently. Tranny homophobia can be actually pretty useful.

Comment Women are predestined to beat males eventually (Score 1) 247

Especially when it comes to hacking. Just a conjencture.

Obligatory western gender-equality cliches aside, the scene imploded the second things got commercialized by mid 2000s. From that point onwards, male hackers seem to suck horribly at team work. Trust issues. This leads to a lot of inefficiency and wheel-reinvention (to the point where independent 0day re-discovery is fairly common occurrence, if you wish, academic/famwhoring publishing seems to be lagging behind severely).

Women may be generally not as good equipped with spatial/critical thinking you need to posses in this field, but are much better in the social/information management/opsec aspect. One can expect that ultimately, sheer power of team work and more humble approach might vanquish male arrogance/ego (which is a good driving force, but isolates you a great deal).

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