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Comment The Cutting Edge (Score 1) 180

"Our taxis have always been on the cutting edge of technological innovation, from GPS systems to credit card readers." The cutting edge is what that used to be... If you were to be always on the cutting edge you'd have at least one example from the last decade perhaps?

Comment Re:Bandwidth is great (Score 1) 165

Thank you. I have comcast (before and after moving) and this explains a lot. I'm constantly dropping skype calls (while enduring terrible quality) while getting a 30mbps 5ms speed test at the same time. I'm paying 45USD for 6mbps in Michigan. I get 30mbps somehow and it acts like 256kbps on anything that isn't Facebook. Honestly... this should be it's own /. topic. If I don't get what I pay for... how could I even begin to prove it and help change their shaping of my internet? Thanks again!

Comment Is it really secure anyways? (Score 2) 122

We were issued laptops with fingerprint biometrics in a science class a couple years ago. I swiped my finger on my friends laptop and it logged into his account for me. Hopefully, despite this new found security hole, they have come a long way since then. I haven't seen these used anywhere. Does anyone find fingerprint biometrics to be useful? Secure? Maybe it's really just to keep the honest people honest.

Comment That's a shame (Score 1) 371

Warner Brothers should have backed them instead of stopped them. I'm sure both parties could have come out on top there. Publicity for the Hobbit movie (say an exclusive area from the new movie in the mod). I could imagine the dollars gained from hype would make up for anything lost. Although in the real world even the legalities on the WB side would be insanely complicated to allow something like that to continue.

Comment Re:It was even available to begin with? (Score 1) 475

Now that you mention it... she was approached and told that her shorts were too short... then the public safety dudes lost interest and just kinda wandered away. Boy... I should trust their Iranian state controlled media over an American friend with personal pics and videos. I was getting at the idea that the government doesn't always represent the people and the people shouldn't be represented by the few crazies that stand out. I am also aware of all of those things you mentioned. I'd never claim Iran is a better place to live because those things do happen and the area has many issues I wouldn't want to deal with.

Comment Re:It was even available to begin with? (Score 2) 475

Impossible! Iran IS the desolate wasteland we've been led to believe. My friend who frequents lies to me about how awesome the shopping is, how friendly the people are, and how it's really not so bad... or different. It would also be a lie to believe that if you were to go over there... the people would be just as frustrated with their government and their media shows off only the weirdest and skewed stories from the us. Like someone eating another man's face off, people getting massacred in movie theaters, and the highest incarceration rates of any other country in the world!

Comment I for one welcome our Valve overlords. (Score 1) 194

The idea of Valve expanding creates more competition which is great. However, I don't trust the cloud or any 'account' to store my files on. Maybe if it were marketed as a backup and sync instead of storage I'd be more comfortable with it. Owning a few trivial digital pieces of software is my limit of trust no matter what company. I can see Valve prepping to expand, taking the competition by surprise and by next year will have their own tablet, linux based OS, music store... So where 'should' Valve be headed? Have they lost focus or is it just what's good for business?

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