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Comment Re: Honest question. (Score 1) 479

There are other positions such as Fire Police and EMTs that provide those other services. Likewise, for many fire departments, they are generally understaffed, and hiring people that can only so a tenth of the job is out of the question because it means they still have to hire even more people to cover what they can't do, along with buying a new drive by wire truck, none of which is covered in the budget...

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 1) 479

The tests they mentioned were carrying a hose. Carrying a hose up a ladder. Using an ax to cut through a door. And I think one more about carrying someone.

The very tests you are talking about are the ones that the woman wanted changed. I remember this because they showed the men performing the test. They had one of those little training towers, and the applicants had to carry the hose.

Looking at the website, I see that the judge ordered the tests to be changed in 1982. Since I was born in 1980, I doubt that I would remember watching 60 Minutes prior to this judges decision.

She was upset that these, now lowered standards, weren't low enough, and that if a woman could not perform the basic tasks that a fireman needed to do, that machines should be made to perform them for her.

Comment Re: Honest question. (Score 1) 479

Dude posted this Why not things like police, fire, teaching, military, garbage collection and so forth?

I recalled an interview that I saw over a decade ago that featured a one of those professions. I said feminist because that was how the person was identified by both the interviewers and herself.

I'm sorry if this somehow shits all over your Wheaties and ruined your day.

Comment Re: Honest question. (Score 1) 479

My anecdote directly related to people complaining about there not being enough female firefighters, which the parent asked about. This was also featured on 60 minutes or some other such news show, and I believe also featured a lawsuit that was filed to lower the "discriminatory" tests.

your anecdote came out of nowhere to feature a pervert friend of yours that writes bad erotic incest fiction. What's your point?

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 5, Insightful) 479

I remember a feminist complaining that the strength test for the city's fire department was too much for women to handle. The strength test consisted of carrying a hose, chopping down doors, and other things that firemen have to do in their job. When asked what good a woman that could not do the job would be on the crew, she stated that they would just need to get machines to do the work instead so that women could join.

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