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Comment Re:Futility at its purest (Score 1) 282

One of my favorite quotes of all time - "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.". I'm quite misanthropic, so no, the examples you are giving do not make my heart warm. They are the achievements of few exceptional individuals, despite the rest of humanity, not thanks to the rest of humanity. The majority of us simply take credit for belonging to the same species and want to feel included. Whether our existence would be of interest to hypothetical intelligent extraterrestrial life is a philosophical question with many aspects so I'd refrain myself from making any assumptions.

Comment Re:Futility at its purest (Score 2) 282

We're as about as meaningful as anything the Universe has brought into existence...

Exactly my point. If the planet dies tomorrow in a fiery explosion, the Universe will not be a bit different. Noone will notice and noone will care. I think that sending a plaque with (pathetic and preachy) pictures in orbit is arrogant and self centered. I don't even want to raise the question about space junk and how would "aliens" differentiate between debris and inspirational plaques.

Comment Dead? (Score 2) 933

The Linux desktop is not dead. I've been using one for the past 10 years. The community is more alive and vibrant than ever, there is a virtually unlimited choice. I really find these discussions completely pointless and the product of sulking disillusioned developers. For a largely free, community driven project, Linux is a wild success. I love it and will continue to use it until the day comes when we'll no longer be allowed to choose what software or hardware to use.

US Doctors Back Circumcision 1264

ananyo writes "On 27 August, a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics concludes for the first time that, overall, boys will be healthier if circumcised. The report says that although the choice is ultimately up to parents, medical insurance should pay for the procedure. The recommendation, coming from such an influential body, could boost U.S. circumcision rates, which, at 55%, are already higher than much of the developed world. The researchers estimate that each circumcision that is not performed costs the U.S. health-care system $313."

Comment Re:The Chinese... (Score 1) 544

Yes, you, the United States are the spoiled kid, holding the gun. Keep beating your chest but the facts are that your country is practically bankrupt, you have no industry, you live in a police state, you have mostly a supporting role in the fields of science and innovation and the association that the rest of the world makes about you is "stupid american". You spend all your money on weaponry to hold the world hostage and make sure nobody is above you. Just like Apple does. The world does not exist to satisfy your historical inferiority complexes.

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