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Comment Re:Microsoft cares about privacy (Score 1) 558

Lets say that in the future there is a call to put into law that this DNT flag is honoured by advertisers. A bill will be put to congress that states If advertisers do not respect the DNT flag, they will be committing a crime.
However, passing this law would run into problems, because Internet Explorer is defaulting the flag to true! Advertisers would quite rightly claim that the DNT flag is not a true indicator of what internet users want. The bill would be thrown out..... DNT will die. This is what Microsoft are doing. By setting the flag on by default, they are killing the standard. It will hurt consumers, because from then on, setting DNT on or off in any browser wont make any difference what so ever....advertisers will ignore it, track people anyway, and there will never be a law to enforce it.

They say this is a good thing, and on the surface it looks great. Protecting the privacy of their users. In reality, its fucking up the privacy of the entire internet in a similar way that non-standard IE6 fucked up the usability of the entire internet a few years back.

Comment Why microsoft is hurting consumers.. (Score 1) 558

Lets say that in the future there is a call to put into law that this DNT flag is honoured by advertisers. A bill will be put to congress that states If advertisers do not respect the DNT flag, they will be committing a crime.
However, passing this law would run into problems, because Internet Explorer is defaulting the flag to true! Advertisers would quite rightly claim that the DNT flag is not a true indicator of what internet users want. The bill would be thrown out..... DNT will die. This is what Microsoft are doing. By setting the flag on by default, they are killing the standard, for what ever reason. It will hurt consumers, because setting DNT on or off in any browser wont make any difference what so ever.

They say this is a good think, and on the surface it looks great. Protecting the privacy of their users. In reality, its fucking up the privacy of the entire internet in a similar way that non-standard IE6 fucked up the usability of the entire internet a few years back.

Comment Do accept our, cough, gift of appreciation.... (Score 1) 490

(hands over large brown paper bag, containing a huge amount of cash to director of Toyota)....

Now, how is your quaint little green electric car project getting on. I hear you've run into a few problems with it?.... Well, im sure you'll be able to put this inconvenience behind us both and get on with some good old gasoline powered motors like you have always done.

Kindest of regards, Director of ExxonMobile

Comment Money (Score 2) 238

I made a game, hosted on facebook that earns me a fair income from people spending facebook credits with it. ..... Facebook handle everything to do with credits, etc.... purchasing them, giving refunds, etc.

How can I make money, if Diaspora took over. Would people become too frightened to spend if there isn't a benevolent dictator to step in should they feel they've been duped?... If I cant make money, then I wont make stuff. No stuff, means a boring Social network

Comment Heard of Facebook? (Score 2) 708

I am 39, going 40 this year. 3 years ago, I was an RPG programmer (IBM Iron). My employer, TD Waterhouse bank, had no interest in moving to more modern tech.

I saw the writing on the wall to my carer, I needed to act. So, I made a facebook game..... it was pretty pants poor, though I did learn new skills. More importantly, I was able to show this game off in an job interview for a Java Web developer.... I got the job because of it.

So, my advice to you is to build your own personal project, Make a website, make a facebook game. the game might not get you anywere, but it will improve your carrier prospects no end.

Comment Re:FREE (Score 2) 646

You know what parenting is all about? Its about getting your kids prepared for the real world, and not have it hit them like a brick at 18, or whenever you choose to let them off the leash. Its about teaching them respect. allowing them to make their own decisions, but being their to support them when (because of lack of experience), they make make the wrong ones.

If you ban them from the internet unless you're there watching their every move and making sure they're not looking at bad stuff, then they're gonna end up hating you with a passion. Using the internet in secret around their mates house, loosing any kind of respect for you.

Comment Re:Lock Out (Score 2) 242

+1 informative.

Do apple ban redistribution of sourcecode? No. VLC for iPhone's source code was available for download. (before VLC was pulled on request of one of the authors of VLC)
Do apple ban redistribution of the binary? Any iphone is free to copy from your iphone backups, and to send to whoever wants it....not that the recipient would be able to do much with it!
Do apple ban the use of using other peoples sourcecode in your own project?. Of course not

What apple do, is prevent installation of anything, that hasn't come from the Appstore. This is the so called walled garden!. To be honest, I dont mind a walled garden, as I would rather not have a device that can be infected with Adware/Trojans/Viruses!.

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