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Comment Re: Christian Theocracy (Score 1) 1168

On an additional note, you might want to actually read the article you cite to prove that the Federal RFRA and the Indiana RFRA are so radically different. The author, Josh Blackman, states at the end:

"There here we have it. Indiana, as well as Arizona’s RFRAs are very similar to the Federal RFRA."

Comment Forced speech (Score 1) 1168

The reason why these laws have been coming down is because people are concerned, rightly, that they will be compelled to engage in forced expression in favor of something that they find morally wrong. Whether you believe it is morally wrong is besides the point - no one should be compelled to engage in any form of expressive activity in favor of something they find morally repugnant. The first amendment enshrines our freedom of speech and the 13th states that no form of involuntary servitude is to be permitted in the United States - and trust me, if you're forced to make the choice between (1) being fined into eternal indebtedness to the state (as these fines cannot be discharged in bankruptcy) or having your livelihood cut off or (2) engaging in conduct you find wrong: it's involuntary. Why are people concerned about this? Bakers have been put out of business because they refused to use their artistic talents (which express themselves) to make wedding cakes for homosexual unions. At least one photographer was handed down ruinous fines for refusing to photograph a homosexual wedding. A florist was shut down for refusing to make a floral arrangement for a homosexual wedding. Each of these people believe that their actions would be tantamount to approving the homosexual wedding and such actions would be in violation of their deeply held religious belief (see, i.e. Romans 1:32 - the conduct itself is condemned, but even those who approve of such conduct are condemned). Frankly, I don't think that the gays who asked for these services did so in good faith - they did it to cause problems for those people because they loathe them. They want to drive religious expression completely from the public square and keep it confined to a two hour slot on Sunday (or Saturday as the case may be).

Comment Re: Christian Theocracy (Score 1) 1168

You do realize, don't you, that the federal courts have, with the exception of two circuits (and the Supreme Court smacked down the reasoning used by Judge Posner in the 7th circuit - so it really means only one circuit is an exception), found that using the courts in a private suit constitutes government action because the judiciary is part of the government. In other words, the Federal RFRA would be applied in the same exact way as the Indiana RFRA would - as a defense raised before the court because the court could not rule on the case because it would involve government action in contravention of a person's sincerely held religious beliefs? The Indiana version merely codifies this rule. So no real difference here. This one issue swallows both of your "differences" because 1.) The government becomes an actor once it comes to court and 2.) The Federal RFRA becomes essentially an affirmative defense because of #1.

Comment Re:Legal (Score 1) 181

Concealed carry is legal in most California counties only if you have an in (read: large contribution) with the Sheriff because whether or not a license is issued is entirely discretionary with the Sheriff. Most counties have not followed the Peruta case because there was a question as to whether the 9th circuit would be taking it up en banc (it decided to do so yesterday). So, no, we don't really have concealed carry in California.

Comment There is teacher bias, but it's not against girls. (Score 3, Interesting) 493

A study by researchers from the University of Georgia and Columbia University, which evaluated 5,800 elementary school children, came to the opposite conclusion as these Israeli researchers. Researchers analyzed data from 5,800 elementary school students and found that boys performed better on standardized exams in math, reading and science than their course grades reflected.

From the above-referenced study:

The gender differences in grades emerge early in all subject areas and favor girls in every subject. Because boys out perform girls on math and science test scores, it is surprising that girls out perform boys on teacher grades in math and science by nearly 0.15 standard deviations. Even more surprising is that the girl boy gap in reading grades is over 300 percent larger than the white black reading gap and the girl boy gaps in math and science teacher grades are about 40 percent larger than the corresponding white black grade gaps.


the inconsistency between test scores and grades is largely accounted for by non-cognitive skills. White boys who perform as well as white girls on these subject-area tests and exhibit the same attitude towards learning as white girls in the classroom are graded similarly.

So, in short, if a boy acts and has a similar learning style as girls, he will get the same grades as girls. Women dominate the teaching profession - 84% of teachers are women. In Kindergarten it's even worse - 98% of teachers are women. Therefore, women apparently value students whose learning style is similar to their own.

In another study, boys were awarded lower grades by women teachers than by external examiners. Whereas male teachers gave girls the same marks as external examiners.

On the political side, in 1972 there were 17% fewer women graduates of college programs than men and this was considered something of a crisis and Title IX was passed to ensure equal opportunities for education regardless of gender. Today, 25% few men than women graduate from college and President Obama calls this a "great accomplishment."

Comment OP is completely full of shit (Score 1) 420

The "blogger" who posted that Mr. Scalise talked to a white nationalist group got the "story" from the son of the Democrat who ran against Scalise in Louisiana. They had this "info" during the campaign but didn't run it because they knew it to be a lie. Their supposed source, whom they won't name, supposedly had a photo of Scalise at the event, but oops - it got accidentally deleted! So, conveniently, there is no evidence of their libelous claim.

The blogger posted this lie in order to paint the new Republican majority as racist because Scalise he was going to be the House Majority Whip. Scalise wasn't there to talk to a white supremacist group, but spoke earlier in the day to a neighborhood association. The person who organized the EURO conference just also happened to be president of the neighborhood association and used the conference availability to set up a meeting of his neighborhood's association.

In short, this is a left-wing hit piece backed by no evidence.

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