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Comment ironic idiocy (Score 3, Informative) 366

They killed the animal to measure on the inside, which they thought would be easier, but:

on the second count, the researchers concentrated on the growth rings on the outside of the shell.

So, the more precise measurement came from the outside, and they killed the oldest living animal for nothing but stupidity. I sincerely hope that instead of accolades, they get nothing but scorn from their colleagues.

Comment Re:Hormone therapy? (Score 2) 784

Yes, but I really wish she had waited a little bit longer. It's just too soon not to affect people's perceptions of the leak. And given the way many Americans feel about Manning, this will also affect people's perceptions about transgender folks.Not a well thought-out move if you ask me.

Comment Re:I remember being puzzled by that chapter (Score 1) 423

So because I don't believe in absolutes I must be some sort of bigot? Jesus, pull your head out of your ass. The air is much fresher out here - seriously.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russel.

Comment grr (Score 1) 66

netflix gets all this great PR for this approach - and at least in theory it's a good one - but as a customer of netflix's, the results i've experienced are actually pretty poor.

think about it, they go around shooting nodes in the head during business hours. In the long run, that's great, they can be prepared for anything, but it's still madness.

Oh and separation of services? Great. But who the hell wants to browse the netflix directory when the streaming service is down? Not me, for one.

Comment Re:Loons running the asylum (Score 0, Troll) 318

If we're promoting freedom everywhere, maybe we should start with people being raped, bombed, murdered, etc. against their will instead of some computer code that some relatively rich people "have" to run in their web browser. It's a classic first world problem, and the amount of hyperbole involved just makes it that much clearer that Stallman and other FSF folks have a totally skewed frame of reference.

Comment seems super practical (Score 1) 86

One of the videos shows the transitions between rotary and fixed phases, during which the vehicle is essentially in free-fall. How long does it have to stay in transition, spinning up/down the wing/blades before it can complete the transition? You can definitely rule passenger flight out, and will ikely be less reliable than the V-22 by an order of magnitude - and that's saying something.

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