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Comment Re:Which is why I recommend running 1 version behi (Score 1) 199

The only thing you get from Android app updates is more ads. I let it update my kitchen timer app. The new version was the same as the old one but came with fucking banner ads. So I've learned to never, ever update anything on my phone.

But that's not as bad as Google who pushed a Chrome update that removed the buttons from the scrollbar. I guess nobody at Google has ever used a touch pad.

Comment Re:Contest (Score 1) 362

Here on the east coast, water quantity is just not an issue. Agriculture depends mainly on rainwater - of which there is plenty - and residential use will never deplete the groundwater. Quality is the problem. With every residential well comes a septic system and a drain field. The more densely populated areas that still aren't serviced by public utilities are ending up with contaminated wells.

Comment Re:Contest (Score 2) 362

Like when someone brings a breathalyzer to a party. You'd think reasonable people would make sure they didn't drink too much. Nope. It becomes a contest to see who can blow the highest reading.

Hey Californians. I live on the other coast and I have a hole in my back yard where I can pump all the water out I could ever want - for free.

Submission + - Fuck beta 1

An anonymous reader writes: The beta is bad. It's so bad. The comments are reduced in screen width about 50%. Subject lines are deemphasized, scores are minimized, etc.

The discussions are the reason to come to Slashdot, and the beta trivializes them entirely. It looks like the comment section on a generic news site.

The comments now look like an afterthought, whereas they used to be the primary focus of the site.

Submission + - User Backlash at Slashdot Beta Site ( 3

hduff writes: Look at almost any current Slashdot story and see loyal, long-time members rail against the new site design, willing to burn precious karma points to post off-topic rants against the new design and it being forced on users by the Dice Overlords. Discussion has begun to create an alternate site.

Submission + - Boycott Beta 2

An anonymous reader writes: On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.

Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.

If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this in a new tab. After seeing that, click here to return to classic Slashdot.

We should boycott stories and only discuss the abomination that is Slashdot Beta until Dice abandons the project.
We should boycott slashdot entirely during the week of Feb 10 to Feb 17 as part of the wider slashcott

Moderators — only spend mod points on comments that discuss Beta
Commentors — only discuss Beta [] [] — Vote up the Fuck Beta stories

Keep this up for a few days and we may finally get the PHBs attention.

Captcha: fuckbeta

Submission + - /. Goes down in flame war 5

An anonymous reader writes: Slashdot users flame all site stories with comments about the sites forced switching over to Beta version. The comments are relentless, calling for a ban of the site from Feb 10 to Feb 17. The following post is being made in every story comment:
On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.
Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.
If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this [] in a new tab. After seeing that, click here [] to return to classic Slashdot.
We should boycott stories and only discuss the abomination that is Slashdot Beta until Dice abandons the project.
We should boycott slashdot entirely during the week of Feb 10 to Feb 17 as part of the wider slashcott []
Moderators — only spend mod points on comments that discuss Beta
Commentors — only discuss Beta [] — Vote up the Fuck Beta stories
Keep this up for a few days and we may finally get the PHBs attention.
Captcha: fuckbeta

Comment Re:I'm sure they're grateful for COBRA (Score 1, Flamebait) 287

America used to be a lot more sink-or-swim. Work hard, innovate, or you die. Health care ended up being tied to employment because everybody worked. It was our grandparents who made this nation the greatest in the world. Now we're well on our way to a European social-wellfare system, and Universal Healthcare will be part of that after Obamacare fails (listen to Obama's speeches before he became a Senator - this is just one step in his plan).

Universal healthcare, living wage, equal outcomes. It's all coming. Along with it comes the loss of the U.S. competitive edge. Work hard? Why bother. Just join the Occupy Wallstreet crowd and stand in line for a government handout.

It's all well and good until there's nobody left to pay for it.

Comment Re:Just bought a puppy (Score 1) 279

Same thing happened to a cat I had for 12 years. Liver cancer. The vet also told me I could put her through surgery and chemo, but that it would be wrong to do that to a cat. That was a surprising thing to hear from someone who stood to make a pretty big profit off me, and I was emotional enough at the time that I might have done it. That was 15 years ago and thinking about that still brings tears to my eyes.

You did the right thing for your friend.

Comment Re:Just bought a puppy (Score 1) 279

You think that's bad? Wait a few years until there's some kind of real problem and they come at you with a $3000 proposal for treatment and an application for a consumer credit account. No joke. People get very emotional about their pets. I knew a woman who put her dog through chemotherapy on credit and couldn't pay her rent.

Comment Re:The real news (Score 5, Interesting) 96

I've been using Yahoo mail since almost the beginning and still do.

I changed my password as soon as I heard about this. Or, I tried to. Yahoo makes it so difficult to change your password that I actually had to go to Google and search for "How do I change my Yahoo password". Then once I figured out where to go (none of the links worked - I had to paste it from an reply), the AJAXified page wouldn't work in Firefox on Linux, so I had to fire up my work PC and use IE.


While I was there, I deleted an old yahoo personals alias (also didn't work in Firefox - had to use IE), and then changed my backup email. But that didn't work either - the link in the confirmation email went to an error page.

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