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Comment Weird, just red a news item that is booming.. (Score 5, Informative) 865

On: http://www.powned.tv/nieuws/binnenland/2011/12/bioscopen_draaiden_goed_jaar.html (dutch!!)

The main message translates to something like this:
"in 2011 the ten most visited movies have net resulted in EUR 73 milion. This is higher than the previous year when the top ten only grossed EUR 64,47 milion"

So what is the problem? About 10% increase doesn't look too bad to me?

Comment Pen and paper for me too! (Score 1) 823

Give it up on tech solutions; Math is best done with pen ad paper.
It's cheap, fast and accurate to the same extend as you are..

During my years in university, it was recommended you take notes, and work out your own notes afterwards. That was half the learning of it. (They even gave timescore points for it on my university if you did it or not)

Copying it from the bord and not doing it yourself will not teach you anything.

Learning Math (we are talking real Math here, not calculus) is getting into a routine, learning and doing it again and again, on paper, yourself..

I'd stongly advise AGAINST using a tool to learn Math..
(Like using a calculator destroys ones ability to do even the simplest sums)

Get over it, nothing in life is for free. No pain, no gain..


Comment My tools.... HAMMER AND A FRIGDE !! (Score 1) 399

How to recover, depends on the state of the device you want to recover things from..

Most people that come to me to recover stuff from a hd.. We ask what type of recovery they want...
Corrupt device, corrupt tape, corrupt tapedrive etc..

Corrupt hd -> Is it a software (filesystem issues)
-> recover4all does the undelete actions quite well on MS type fs-esses
-> Partition recovery (any fs)
-> UFS explorer (linux fs and much more)

Corrupt tape:
-> try tar, else rent really expensive professionals

Corrupt HD hardware (board)
-> Be sure to never junk old HD's.. swapping a HD PCB can fix tons of problems !

Corrupt HD mechanics:
-> Try a Linuxrescue/Knoppix CD.. and use dd_rescue... Goes a long way

If the HD mechanics problem does not work... Try:
-> Beers, fridge, rubberhammer, ziplock-bag:
  Cool down the HD quite a bit in a fridge, in a zip-locked bag (keeping it dry). Reconnect, keep it cool. Hit it with a rubber hammer fron the side...
use dd_rescue.. Then if you can copy it to a working device then use the fs/software tools..

Over the last 10 years, on about 50 disks like that, I got a 70% ratio. On tons of different disks.. Novell Netware, EXT3, XFS etc formated disks..

Be sure.. If a customers asks about pricing.. It ain't cheap !! Sometimes it took me 10 hours for a single disk.. (from a no-RAID Netware server, without backups, that was easily over 2000 euro !!) only 4 files out of 50.000 were corrupt... But had to do the whole thing.. (hd replacement board, in frigde , hit it with rubber hammer, dd_rescue etc)

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