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Comment Re:Cartels fall apart (Score 1) 360

The reason why diamonds are so expensive isn't the result of De Beers, but rather the governments of the western world refusing to sell diamonds unless they are certified as "conflict free" and the government of many diamond producing nations having laws in place to limit the harvesting and exporting of diamonds.

... because De Beers has influence over these governments to maintain the market conditions that De Beers wants. The problem with free market puritanism is that it attempts to completely separate the private entity with the government entities they manipulate. Some would even go so far as to try to victimize De Beers. The fact remains that De Beers is just as complicit in all the bloodshed in those regions. Playing the "only blame the governments involved" is shortsighted.

Comment Re:Cartels fall apart (Score 2) 360

So what? Cartels will naturally fall apart given no government interference. It is in their best interests to cheat on this agreement. Its just like the prisoner's dilemma, while it might be best for all of them to cooperate, they won't because they want an advantage over their competitors. Cartels never last so long as there is a lack of government involvement.

[Citation Needed]

Ludwig Von Mises and his ilk (which while they had good ideas they don't really apply to real world human behaviors).

Comment Re:Nice Slashvertisement (Score 1) 100

Yes, but it's terribly nerdy to blithely dismiss these stories if you don't use/like/know-anything-about the software, isn't it?

Yeah, I work in an Oracle shop. I've also been on /. since it was on Malda's Alpha. My point is the intent of the submission, since there's plenty of nerdy stuff to post besides some piece about turtleneckboy's latest crapware bug written up on just another industry rag.

Comment Re:Nice Slashvertisement (Score 2) 100

Not by much, "Corporate Expensiveware Has Bug, Film At 11" isn't interesting nor very "nerdy" on its own. If you watch what gets frontpaged and who the submitters are lately, it should become obvious that modern /. is just clickbait for the big IT rags. I doubt this is merely coincidence, so I'm wondering what's going on behind the scenes.

Comment Re:How is this throwing /. under the bus? (Score 2) 584

In case you hadn't noticed, this place has been invaded by a succession of increasingly dumber editors, which are probably rejects from Boingboing.

You know Slashdot is going downhill when they're posting articles from the Daily Mail.

\hell, adding the "Politics" section for the 2004 elections was bad enough

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