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Comment Re:Property rights (Score 2) 215

It's bad enough people can walk past my driveway without compensation! I may not own the footpath but its crossing in front of my driveway!
Those companies operating their pesky satellites orbiting overhead should be compensating me too.
Don't get me started when the moon goes over head!

You never bought the airspace above your house. It's not on the title of your property. Shut the fuck up you useless hick.

Comment Re:Oh god why. (Score 1) 174

I don't have your IP, you don't have mine. The 3rd party in the middle does. There is a single point where all interaction with Slashdot can be intercepted.

I get what you are saying, but exposing IP addresses to 3rd parties isn't typically desirable.

What? That's exactly what you're advocating.

The flaw in the system is the central server.

Email works fine how it is, because of the requirement to store messages when recipients are offline. Yet it still doesn't suffer the problem of all messages going through a single entity. You're free to connect directly to the recipients mail server. You're not forced to go through a particular company or country.

Real time video links don't have that requirement. There is no need for a central server. All you need is some kind of directory. A DHT fills that requirement.

Comment Re:Oh god why. (Score 2) 174

The only way to stop your IP from being broadcast around the internet is to not use the internet.

The only way to receive a packet of data is for someone else to know your IP address. Either the entity initiating the send, or some kind of proxy along the way.

It's how the internet works.

Please explain how it's a legitimate concern and how to alleviate it.

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