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Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 332

No Google? No MIcrosoft/Nokia? No Blackberry (well, Canadian, true)? No Android? I'm an admin in the medium-sized German educational institute, trying to avoid US-soil based stuff but well - you cannot avoid all of them. Internauts did chose US years ago, coz that was the only country that guaranteed stability, technology and transparency. It was the safest haven available. I agree - we are moving back to Europe (Dropbox replaced with Wuala, servers in LeaseWeb, Hetzner and you name it, domains moved away from godaddy but still - there's a lot to migrate and this will take much longer, that it took to get tied to the US-based solutions. But yes - the trend is set.

Comment Re:water (Score 1) 41

is there a possibility to send some nuclear generator, like submarine one or this famous russian lighthouse? Or maybe 5 of them, it might solve some problems

Comment Respect your time (Score 1) 418

First thing I did: tried to reject those floating stuff like VB.NET that was in fashion 3 or 4 years, C# (that is changing constantly and you will never be good enough) and in general - reject everything, that has a lifespan shorter than 10 years, so you have the time to master it. In my case, I started looking for another job: python instead of .NET and linux administration/scripting instead of regular developer. I cant imagine in several years being one of those amazing old geeks, staring at Visual Studio or Excel macros. Come on, old geek must be a master of console and all those youngsters around must be astonished and charmed by your skill and magic. You will never beat them in .NET 8.5 RC2 just because it will be completely different than today's .NET Long story short: Im trying to master the things, that have i.e. books released 7 years ago and they are still valid.

Comment Re:Jesus, stop being pathetic! (Score 1) 518

I paid for all Penumbra games. I paid it 3 times, coz was too cheap for such good games. After that, I paid for PyCharm almost 100 eur, coz it's a great piece of closed soft. No problem, developers needs food and I understand it. A program worth using is a program worth buying. No matter - open or closed source. And I'm a guy from quite poor country. That's why I never bother to paid for closed source soft for Windows.

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