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Sophos Anti-Virus Update Identifies Sophos Code As Malware 245

An anonymous reader writes "Yesterday afternoon anti-virus company Sophos Inc. released a normal anti-virus definition update that managed to detect parts of their own software as malicious code and disabled / deleted sections of their Endpoint security suite, including its ability to auto-update and thus repair itself. For many hours on the 19th, Sophos technical call centers were so busy customers were unable to even get through to wait on hold for assistance. Today thousands of enterprise customers remain crippled and unable to update their security software." Sophos points out that not everyone will be affected: "Please note this issue only affects Windows computers."

Patent Troll Sues X-Plane 214

symbolset writes "X-plane is a cross-platform flight simulator app, notably the only serious one that supports Mac OSX and Linux. It was the first to include NASA data in their terrain modelling. It's now under threat by an NPE (Non-Practicing Entity) called Uniloc. Uniloc is suing for things X-Plane has done for decades. X-plane cannot afford to defend this suit, so if somebody doesn't step up and defend them then we lose X-plane forever. Quoting: 'I have spoken to a lawyer about this, and I am told that it will cost me about $1,500,000 (one and a half million dollars) to defend this suit. He also told me that it should take about two to three years to defend. This is more money than I have made selling Android Apps in the first place.'"

Comment Re:How about just an iPhone and save even more? (Score 1) 372

Which is great until you discover a time related software bug that puts all 3 iPads into an endless reboot cycle, or you find that the documentation loaded onto the iPads is corrupt and the engine-out landing checklist is not available when you need it.

Even a complete failure of all iPads in the cockpit (however unlikely that is) will probably not be a big deal. You're forgetting that the crew still has radio contact with air traffic control and their company. They can still get vectored where they need to be and have whatever information they need read to them. There multiple thing that are far more likely that an obscure bug affecting multiple iPads simultaneously.

Comment Re:Time equals money (Score 1) 158

Seriously, this post is the very definition of "penny-wise, pound foolish".

$1000 is, what, like one flight's worth of fuel? It's like... maybe half of one month of one employee's health benefits? It's nothing.

Your time is worth far, far more.

$1000 per helicopter is more than nothing. But it's not just a money thing. You're also overlooking the time and paperwork to install it, plus any FAA paperwork (and time required for it) for certification in their operation. Once they have it, fixing/replacing it in the future requires all the hoops of a certified system. For that trouble they get a crappy, out of date product.

He's looking for an alternative. There may not be a simple one out there. But if he happens to find one that meets his criteria, odds are it will not only be cheaper, but much better. It's also quite possible that it will ultimately require less time and hassle than the certified system. Depending on what's out there, he could come away with substantial savings of money AND time, while equipping his fleet with a superior product. It's at least worth looking into.

Comment Re:Here be no surprises (Score 1) 608

The idea is to disconnect the money from the influence - you can promise a politician that you are giving a million dollars, but you can't prove it. There is no restriction on speech at all - you can "say" all you want with words or money. You just can't tie the two together in a provable fashion.

Apparently something like this system was tried in an election for judges in south florida - the result was that none of the candidates got a single dime.

Do you happen to have any links handy to document that? I've heard this claim before and if true it's quite telling and i'd like to know more. But I haven't seen anything more than a claim that it happened with judges somewhere in Florida.

Comment Re:Oh, the delicious irony! (Score 1) 923

Try and look at this from the other point of view, leaving emotions aside for a minute.

You have a man accused of committing sexual crimes in Sweden. Sweden wants that one man to return to the country for questioning, in the country where he's accused.

That man says screw you, instead you have to figure out the logistics and spend a lot of taxpayer money to send over a whole team of interviewers to an entirely different country, so they can then enter a third country's embassy to suit his desires. This will invoke a whole host of legal, territorial, and logistical questions, based on who has sovereignty at what point, as well as cost a lot of money.

So... to avoid a situation that "will invoke a whole host of legal, territorial, and logistical questions, based on who has sovereignty at what point, as well as cost a lot of money", we now have him holed up in an embassy of a country that's granting him asylum, with the host country threatening to revoke diplomatic privileges in what may or may not be a treaty violation with far reaching implications on the sovereignty of embassies worldwide. While their lawyers figure out whether that's legal, the police are surrounding the building to make sure he doesn't get out and to keep the protesters at bay. Until they figure out an answer, diplomats on all sides are rattling their sabers vying for the upper hand. Meanwhile there's talk of whether it's legal to smuggle him out in a diplomatic bag as a way of crossing the British sidewalk that stands between the foreign soil of the embassy and its sovereign embassy car. All this coming after months of legal proceedings and requests between countries.

If Sweden's goal in not questioning him abroad was to avoid complication and expense, it seems like they failed miserably.

If you let go of your emotions for a moment, there are plenty of valid reasons for Sweden to want him to return to Sweden to be interviewed about a crime he's alleged to have committed in Sweden against Swedish women.

I'm all for having him interviewed and charged if there were crimes committed, but surely provoking an international incident isn't the most effective way to do that.

Comment Re:yay! (Score 1) 184

But in this case, it's horribly wrong.

This will effectively KILL the do-not-track project.

Perhaps. But that reveals the underlying flaw in the do no track (DNT) idea (even if companies want to honor it): It doesn't work if everyone opts not to be tracked. There's just too much perceived value from tracking users. When it's less than 1% of the total users asking not to be tracked, marketers don't really lose anything by honoring the system. But setting IE 10 to use DNT by default means 95+% of IE 10 users will be using DNT. That's a huge market share gone,

And maybe more importantly, DNT becomes no longer opt-in. It's now an opt out system for nearly half of the users. That adds a pretty powerful argument to ignore the opt out request: nearly all of the users didn't really choose to opt-out of tracking, they just selected the default setting. So tracking them doesn't really violate their wishes. Out of 20 people who say "don't track me", maybe one actually means it. If you're a web company, even with the best of intentions, it's hard to give up tracking 20 people just to honor the wishes of one.

(This post brought to you by a six pack of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.)

Comment Re:Good on them (Score 3, Insightful) 141

I am an Aussie and I am glad if this will get these companies off facebook and run their own services. I am sick and tired of companies blackmailing their customers for a "like" to get their advertising.

Well now you've got a way to blackmail them back. If they force you to 'like' their page, just hop over and post a comment describing how their product is the perfect way to give people the energy needed to oppress minorities (or whatever it is that will get them in trouble). Then file a complaint with the appropriate government agency. Be sure to send a note to the company letting them know that you'll stop if they stop.

Comment Re:a 'fun' way sounds like a bad idea (Score 1) 1127

some simple, fun ways — anyone who [acts inappropriately] will have to wear an embarassing tie, etc. — instead of swear jar, having a sexual innuendo jar

This does not sound like a good idea to me. It makes it seem like some kind of American college comedy film, where you wink and tsk tsk the naughty fratboys for their inevitable innuendos and they smirk and promise to behave better.

That's exactly what I thought when i read it. It's like he's making this into a joke. If they use these sorts of policies and ever end up defending against a harassment suit, it's not going to end well. The accuser is going to be on the stand testifying about all the harassment she suffered "...and then i complained to my manager, and all he did was make the offender wear a pink polka tie. Everybody got a big laugh out of that, like this was all a big joke to them." Any halfway decent lawyer is going to make that look like he was encouraging it, He's gonna get crucified.

I get that the guy asking is trying not to make a huge thing out of this so he can avoid destroying what i guess he thinks is a good work environment among the team, but he's clearly in over his head on this one.

Submission + - Jack Daniels Shows How to Write a Cease and Desist Letter (mashable.com) 2

NormalVisual writes: When the Jack Daniels distillery recently became aware of a book whose cover they felt substantially infringed their trademark, they didn't go into instant "Terminator mode" — instead, they wrote a very thoughtful, civil letter to the infringing party, and even offered to help defray the costs of coming into compliance. I believe plenty of other companies (and many in the tech world) could use this as an example of how *not* to alienate people and come off looking like a bunch of greedy jerks.

Submission + - Tweet Lands Sexual Assault Victim In Trouble With Court (ibtimes.com)

Empresz writes: Savannah Dietrich, a 17-year-old Kentucky girl who was the victim of a sexual assault last August, could face contempt-of-court charges for outing her two juvenile attackers on Twitter. "I'm at the point, that if I have to go to jail for my rights, I will do it," Dietrich said. "If they really feel it's necessary to throw me in jail for talking about what happened to me as opposed to throwing these boys in jail for what they did to me, then I don't understand justice."

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 184

This is very confusing. I wish someone would just make a plot of horniness versus day of the year so we could see whether there was a spike around Ramadan. This is slashdot, surely there's enough horny geeks to be able to pull this off. And now that i've mentioned it, i wonder if there's some way to objectively measure horniness?

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