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User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm officially unemployed!

For the first time since I was 15, I'm officially unemployed. I was layed off as of yesterday. And I couldn't be happier.

Of course, it is only temporary. I have to attend school for 2 months, so I can't work. I'll be on pogey for the first time in my life. Come to think of it, I haven't had 2 months off of work since high school. Hell I haven't even been in full-time school since high school. Suckers.

I'm betting that school is much easier than work. Especially when it is cold outside, and my job requires me to work outside on a daily basis. My co-workers will be freezing on rooftops and I'll be sitting in a cozy classroom.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Carolyn Parrish actually said something intelligent

"That is such -- that's such a caricature and you have to understand from this lowly backbencher that shouldn't even be on your show, I am of total insignificance within my own party and within the country, you're sure putting up a lot of fuss and putting a lot of attention on this. It shows a very weak ego, in my opinion. I think if you're as strong as you say you are, anything I have got to say can't hurt you."


User Journal

Journal Journal: My 2 new favourite Americans...

Matt Stone and Trey Parker, to be specific. All because of the following quote I found in a Yahoo news Article

They are talking about Sean Penn, but you could easily insert Affleck, Baldwin, Robbins, etc.

Both Stone and Parker seem to have it in for the Oscar winner. Parker told Variety last year when he announced plans to make Team America, "We hate those actors who take themselves so seriously and think they are a productive and important part of society. The subtle joke here is that all actors are puppets. This will probably piss off everyone in town--and might well be our swan song."

User Journal

Journal Journal: A question for all Canadian music fans: 1

Why do Canadian people like the Tragically Hip so much? They are mediocre at best. Actually, the only part of the band that is any good at all is Gord Downie, the singer.

I saw them on Canada Day, and I listened to the band, and mostly ignored the singing. They sounded horrible. After the concert, everybody was saying how great the show was. I kept saying that the band is horrible. Though I was going to be killed by a mob of Tragically Hip lovers.

My theory is that Downie sings about hockey, small-town Canada, and Canadiana in general. If they were American would Canadian people still like them?

User Journal

Journal Journal: A musical revelation... (Don't get too excited)

She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd is a ripoff of I Saw Your Mommy by Suicidal Tendencies. 3-chord rock itself is hardly a ripoff, but the progressions and tone of the song are almost identical. I'm amazed I never noticed it before.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bands I've Seen Live.

Was trying to figure out earlier today which bands I have paid to see in concert. I'm most certainly going to forget a few. I'll update when anything comes to me. Here goes in no particular order:

Iron Maiden
Suicidal Tendencies
The Ataris*
Tragically Hip*
Van Halen*
Rolling Stones
GWAR (best concert EVER!)
Rollins Band
Guess Who
Dream Theater*
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Chemical Brothers
Pearl Jam
Alan Parsons Project
The Cult
Jeff Beck
Deep Purple (with Steve Morse)
Forgotten Rebels

* seen more than once
** seen every time they've come to town since '91

User Journal

Journal Journal: Red Bull morning after report

I stopped at 3 cans. Mainly because that stuff is too damn sweet. Did give me an interesting buzz, but there are certainly other factors involved:

1. I was drinking it on an empty stomach.
2. I was mixing it with vodka.
3. I went to a bar later and consumed more alcohol

All in all, I would imagine that I could get the same effect by drinking 2 cans of cola and a few cups of coffee. Plus a few teaspoons of sugar for good measure. Actually, when I break it down like that it sounds disgusting.

I think I'll stick to my vodka soda.

User Journal

Journal Journal: On my 3rd can now, plus 3 shots of Luksosowa 3

I want a new drug
One that won't make me sick
One that won't make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick

I want a new drug
One that won't hurt my head
One that won't make my mouth too dry
Or make my eyes too red

I want a new drug
One that won't spill
One that don't cost too much
Or come in a pill

I want a new drug
One that won't go away
One that won't keep me up all night
One that won't make me sleep all day

I want a new drug
One that does what it should
One that won't make me feel too bad
One that won't make me feel too good

I want a new drug
One with no doubt
One that won't make me talk too much
Or make my face break out

User Journal

Journal Journal: Red Bull is amazing. 3

I have wanted to try it since I heard about it. Of course, what I originally heard was that some kid mixed it with alcohol and drugs and died. For that reason, Health Canada doesn't like it and so it isn't available in Canada. Yet.

I was in the States 2 weekends ago, and brought back a few packs of it. Tried a couple of cans down there. Was impartial. Until now.

10 Minutes ago I was half-asleep. After 1 can of Red Bull I can feel a slight buzz. Kind of like the caffeine buzz, but a little different. Wonder how I'll feel if I drink a few more cans?

User Journal

Journal Journal: allmusic just had a major overhaul

I probably use this site more than any other on the interweb. Just noticed that they have done a major overhaul of the site design. Not offering any criticism or praise. Just telling.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The new math in Ottawa? 3

For those who don't know, the Fiberals managed to win a minority in Monday's election. Let me first say that I am dissappointed with Ontario voters again, and for the life of me can't understand why people keep giving these liars chance after chance. However, this je isn't really about my dislike of the Liberals, as I could go on for days and days.

Most media sources are saying that the NDP hold the balance of power in the new house. The Liberals have 135 seats, the Conservatives 99, the Bloc Quebecois 54 and the commies (NDP) have 19. There is also 1 independent. To have a majority in the House of Commons, which is made up of 308 seats, you need 155 (which equals 50% +1 of the seats).

Maybe I just don't understand the math, but how can the NDP hold the balance of power if their seats combined with the Liberals only add up to 154 seats? As much as the Conservatives and the Bloc hate each other, they also both hate the Liberals. Neither can be guaranteed to vote along the the Liberals on most issues. I would almost think that that Independent has more power than all the NDP combined. If the Liberals and NDP all support a bill, but the other 2 parties do not, it will not pass. Unless the independent candidate supports it as well.

Prediction: An election is called within 18 months and the voters who I call sheep in Ontario will propel Martin to a rather large majority. We can then have 4 years of the same cronyism and corruption that Jean did Oh so well.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 24 hour grocery stores kick ass 2

People who go to bed at a reasonable hour have no idea. They purchase their goods during the day, as do most normal people.

I don't know if the 24 hour grocery store is commonplace elsewhere in Canada, but in Toronto, they are usually within throwing distance. For most people it makes no difference.

However, while heading home from the bar at 2am, they certainly come in handy. I don't usually make a shopping list, and pick up things when I remember to. Often, I happen to remember said things at 3am while heading home from the bar.

The whole way home I was thinking about what I wanted for breakfast. I want Mini Wheats. I have no milk, and I have no mini wheats.

Luckily, the 24 hour Dominion has these things. They also have bored-looking security guards who give me the once over as I walk in the door. Apparently I am the only drunk person buying cereal at 3am. I wonder what all the sober people are buying?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Getting sick of it all...

Well, not of everything, but there is one comment which I seem to be reading a lot lately. The comment I am referring to is the "You are lucky, back in my day...". First somebody will post a back in the day comment - which isn't even remotely funny, btw - and get about 3 replies saying how lucky that person was, blah, blah.

Slashdot is getting as bad as Fark and those damn Akbar pictures. Good thing for me my present job doesn't allow me time to sit at a desk and surf the interweb all day, otherwise I'd probably get more upset it all.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So long IT world! It's been nice knowing you...

This represents my last week working in an office environment and I couldn't be happier. I have been working as an IT Support monkey for the last 4 years, and that officially ends on Friday September 5, 2003. I have finally decided that I want to actually work for a living, and so starting on September 8th, I will be embarking on my new career as a Heating and Air Condition mechanic. Of course, I'll need to apprentice for 5 years, but that goes with any trade.

It took me about 8 months to finally decide to quit my nice cushy job, and trade in my business casual for work boots and coveralls. I have been a miserable, moody cynic for the last few years, and I honestly think that working in an office had a lot to do with it. I was apathetic towards work before I resigned. How can they possible expect me to do anything now?

I have been nice enough to spend my remaining time documenting my daily routine, as well as any pertinent information I might possess in my swiss cheese brain. I also had to sit down with my boss and go through all the passwords that I know, and compare to the ones that he knows. Now that all of that is done the only thing I have to look forward to is my going away party on thursday night.

My boss hates all this, by the way. He was never any good at manual labour like running cables, installing rack-mount gear, etc. That was where he relied on me. Now that I am gone he is going to have to be responsible for a huge renovation, which I predict will be a disaster. I should have volunteered to help out with that, but then I think back over the last 2 years. He has been acting like a miserable, bitchy little girl, constantly getting me involved in office politics. Then he had the nerve to sit me down in his office and rant about how he hates all that office gossip. I'm not exaggerating. This guy wouldn't last 5 minutes in a normal office.

I don't want to leave on a bad note, and I really don't hate the place. I just hated working for him. Now that I am free, I feel great. I really wish I had had a video camera to capture the look on his face when I handed him my resignation notice. I could tell that the first thought in his mind was "Shit, now who is going to be my little monkey boy?"

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