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Journal checkyoulater's Journal: So long IT world! It's been nice knowing you...

This represents my last week working in an office environment and I couldn't be happier. I have been working as an IT Support monkey for the last 4 years, and that officially ends on Friday September 5, 2003. I have finally decided that I want to actually work for a living, and so starting on September 8th, I will be embarking on my new career as a Heating and Air Condition mechanic. Of course, I'll need to apprentice for 5 years, but that goes with any trade.

It took me about 8 months to finally decide to quit my nice cushy job, and trade in my business casual for work boots and coveralls. I have been a miserable, moody cynic for the last few years, and I honestly think that working in an office had a lot to do with it. I was apathetic towards work before I resigned. How can they possible expect me to do anything now?

I have been nice enough to spend my remaining time documenting my daily routine, as well as any pertinent information I might possess in my swiss cheese brain. I also had to sit down with my boss and go through all the passwords that I know, and compare to the ones that he knows. Now that all of that is done the only thing I have to look forward to is my going away party on thursday night.

My boss hates all this, by the way. He was never any good at manual labour like running cables, installing rack-mount gear, etc. That was where he relied on me. Now that I am gone he is going to have to be responsible for a huge renovation, which I predict will be a disaster. I should have volunteered to help out with that, but then I think back over the last 2 years. He has been acting like a miserable, bitchy little girl, constantly getting me involved in office politics. Then he had the nerve to sit me down in his office and rant about how he hates all that office gossip. I'm not exaggerating. This guy wouldn't last 5 minutes in a normal office.

I don't want to leave on a bad note, and I really don't hate the place. I just hated working for him. Now that I am free, I feel great. I really wish I had had a video camera to capture the look on his face when I handed him my resignation notice. I could tell that the first thought in his mind was "Shit, now who is going to be my little monkey boy?"

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So long IT world! It's been nice knowing you...

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"It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it." -- Henry Allen
