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Journal Journal: Gmail makes me happy

So I got a gmail invite through a friend of a friend, first time that's ever paid off eh?, it's pretty cool another guy I know just reciently got an invite and we've been spamming each other back and forth for no real reason other than we like how it does the conversations. I've already moved all my email subscriptions to gmail and am rather pleased with it for now.

Internet Explorer

Journal Journal: Earthlink + Mozilla = not friends 2

As you can see by my earlier entry by all intents and purposes I was going to permanetly switch to Mozilla until I decided to change ISPs because my DSL which is provided by Cincinnati Bell started to suck major ass, here is what has happened over the past month. First the email server goes down for 24 hours, than a week later the DSL modem is kicking me off for god knows what reason so I call up tech support and they agree to put in a work order for me to exchange my modem at a Cincinnati Be


Journal Journal: Mozilla is good

I've finally decided to permanently switch from IE to Mozilla and I'm fairly happy with it. Also Netscape 7.1 has leaked out or something although I don't know if you'd call it a leak if it's being hosted by them but the netinstaller is hidden on their ftp. On Mozillanews.org they were rambling about how the Netscape 7.1 agent has an (ax) on it which they're guessing means ActiveX which sounds really cool I suppose but I've got the ActiveX plugin for Moz so I doubt I really need to bother wit

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New York... when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you. - David Letterman
