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Comment Re: does it mean anything though? (Score 1, Troll) 123

One thing we know is that absence of regulation == total chaos.
Just ask a bureaucrat.
Furthermore, we know that people are stupid, and absolutely incapable of operating above caveman level without kindly bureaucrats.
In summary, ensuring Total Regulation is a basic national security requirement.

Comment Re:How about (Score 1, Troll) 385

That deserves some sort of Chomsky Award for nearly meaning something, then breaking into a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
No, subsidies and taxes are not like a classical R-C control network; you're oversimplifying like a madman to equate them to a negative feedback loop, i.e., something that stabilizes. To the extent the analogy helps at all, taxes and subsidies are more of a positive loop, feeding corruption, destabilizing.

doing ourselves through conscious collective action

Would you recommend a wall of Pet Rocks, or a vast Ouija Board to implement this?

Comment Re:So it's not possible (Score 1) 24

And theology is a tool of fascists.

Which clearly explains the wanton tyranny of the pre-Constantine church, which I mean in the most sarcastic tone possible.

"theological need to preserve free will" == "remain ambiguous in order to maintain free will"
If faith were like a mathematical proof, there would still be deniers (due to human perversity) but the intellectual basis for denial would be removed. So you instead have a situation which all sub-fanatical believers have to admit is not provable, at least here under the sun.
Hopefully the Almighty digs your schtick when you meet Him.

Comment This is not hard (Score 1) 30

Focus on the principles. Differentiate between the ideas and the evil wretches that implement them.
Do maintain an honest, dispassionate view of the historical record.
Don't accept shred #1 of guilt over things you didn't do, couldn't control, or happened before your conception.
Emphasize improving individuals--the global situation will take care of itself.

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