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Comment Re:Oh there's plenty of bias (Score 1) 30

Do you see the contradiction? You claim that

The institutional party is still running the circus

and then follow immediately with

It is the voters' responsibility to oversee their politicians and vote them out when they screw up.

Are you arguing that this government is a closed loop, or that it is not a closed loop?
My contention is that it is a "mostly closed" loop, and that recycling all of the bums, while insufficient, is a useful component of an overall solution.
People cash out of real involvement because they feel government is a closed loop. You go swapping out the bastards more frequently, and two things are likely to occur:
* Greater involvement in voting, and
* Less systemic lock, as the big grabs (PATRIOT Act, ObamaCare) get harder to go after.

Comment Re:Oh there's plenty of bias (Score 1) 30

people don't give a damn about 'John Doe' until they become a target

So you seem to imply that there is substantial "there" about which to give a damn?
Instapundit likes to link about prosecutorial abuse in general, but I haven't seen much other than WI where they run around like loose cannons and muzzle the targets.
Were those prosecutors conservatives operating against liberals, mind you, the Codpiece Media would be wall-to-wall with reporting about it.

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