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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 2 accepted (13 total, 15.38% accepted)


Submission + - Best Practices for Mechanical Engineers?

briancox2 writes: "I am a Mechanical Engineer with a small firm. Recently new computers were purchased and with them cam a new policy that all Engineering computers had to have the same software. Also, the ability to install new software was taken away. The reason given was that this made IT management easier and that it is an industry “best practice”. Also, the IT department would like to have Internet Explorer as the only browser that can be used on the network, to enforce the network’s policies.

My thought is that, while it may work best for some fields, Engineers, even Mechanical Engineers, need flexibility in an IT policy which allows them to solve unique problems as they crop up. Also, being only a lowly Mechanical Engineer, I don’t know if there are ways to enforce these policies on all browsers from the network itself.

Do you know of any standards for evidence that indicate it is better for Engineers to have flexibility with their computers? Do you think it’s still better to lock down the network this way?"
The Internet

Submission + - What's So Bad About SOPA (

briancox2 writes: "... if a government were to make a decision that a current business model was the correct one, and begin passing laws that cement that business model in place forever, then that government does not have the best interest of the entire economy at heart. Instead a true Capitalist system encourages any and all business models to exist. And a government that wishes to promote the ideals of Capitalism does not lend itself to any industry as its personal strong-arm to prevent competitive threats. Instead, such a government would stick to its original purpose of promoting freedoms of its people."

Submission + - Android vs. Ubuntu – An open letter to Mark (

briancox2 writes: "The news of Google’s acquisition of Motorola’s mobile business is a potential game changer for the mobile computing market. The reasons Google made this purchase were obvious; they needed an arsenal of patents to fight the illegitimate battles of the patent wars to protect Android. As I have described in my previous post, these wars are an unfair and obtrusive burden on the entire tech industry, preventing innovation and bogging down our legal system. It’s too bad Google had to do this. I must admit I feel bad for their position."

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