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Comment Re:Don't worry BP ... (Score 1) 913


I can't speak for how BP cuts corners in their ocean drilling.. but as an industrial electrician in the submersible fields.. I can tell you without a doubt that BP has, by far, the most extensive safety program in place of any oil company we do contract work for.

They don't care how much it costs them, or how much longer it takes.. they are willing to foot the bill to ensure that their safety record is intact.

And no, I don't work directly for BP. We're a contracting company that does work for *many* producers.

Comment Well... It is (Score 1, Insightful) 325

Ok this is coming from someone who actually does download a good half the movies he watches.

It *is* theft. The movie was produced to make money.. and it is quite fair for them to expect that people won't just take it and not pay.

No matter how you water it down, you took something that you didn't pay for. If you can live with that choice, then fine.

But don't go around making up reasons why you're doing the world a favour by saying 'fuck you' to 'the man'.. You're only lying to yourself.

Comment Re:1 question (Score 1) 488

Well yeah.

The 4.0 release was highly reminiscent of the 2.0 days. Nothing worked.. crashes galore.. It has taken the KDE team an entire year to make it usable again.

I don't blame them. I've been a huge KDE fan for years, but even I didn't use 4.0.x

Comment Tradition (Score 1) 1067

You know.

These people have been living in hatred for thousands of years. There is no blame to be laid upon now, except perhaps to their own ancestors.

These people are taught from child birth to hate the other side because that is what their parents taught them.

How does one compete with thousands of years of tradition? You can't change it. You can't tell them that they're wrong and they should learn to just live in peace.

It's not going to change just because the Americans hold a military 'peacemaking' presence in Iraq.

Things are never as simple as we, the western world, want them to be.

The Internet

China Defines Internet Addiction 201

narramissic writes "Three years after the first clinic dedicated to Internet addiction opened in Beijing, Chinese doctors have now officially defined it as an ailment. Those afflicted with this ailment spend six or more hours a day online and exhibit at least one of the following symptoms: difficulty sleeping or concentrating, yearning to be online, irritation, and mental or physical distress. Do you meet the criteria? You're in good company: About 10 percent of China's 253 million Internet users exhibit some form of addiction to the medium, and 70 percent of those people are young men, an official Xinhua News Agency report said."

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