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Comment Re:Herd immunity (Score 1) 673

Your understanding was correct, 97% chance to develop immunity.

Some vaccines effectiveness fades over time if you are not exposed again occasionally (either directly or through another injection), but the op is just misapplying statistics.

If you were vaccinated and developed immunity, then were constantly exposed again you should keep good immunity to it.

Comment Re:Commission (Score 1) 238

Most states require that they file how premiums are determined with a large lead time (the fines for deviating from your filings are large.)

This does not give google much room to mess with it in real time. Insurance carriers already do quite a bit of analysis before issuing a policy (most will pull credit scores and driving records, in addition to information from other providers.)

Insurance companies also make quite a bit of their money from investments, which google is not into very much as far as I am aware.

Comment Re:Something you're all forgetting (Score 1) 450

They already made some people get the expensive version, it is just more people now. I had to use the business version last year as my tax situation tends to be more complicated than most (and it still takes an entire day despite the software.) I was using a CPA before that, but I grew tired of the errors (for which I am still liable) and decided to do it myself from now on.

I think you misunderstand how a deduction works. It does not directly reduce your taxes, it effectively reduces your income for purposes of calculating your taxes. This works out to a 10% - 40% effective discount on the item in question if you can deduct it, but you do not get all the money back.

Comment Re:Cue Ayn Rand worshipping Libetarians... (Score 1) 325

Pretty much, now that the cost of a drone has gone sub $100, and can be flown with no real understanding of the forces involved in keeping it in the air... it is a very different risk.

Think child, or dude with a mcjob getting all drunk and deciding it would be great fun to park near an airport and fly with the real planes.

I actually mostly agree with the proposed FAA rules for the commercial variety as well: pilot license, stay low, stay away from airports, stay in visual contact. They can relax them as the technology improves.

Comment Re:Forget paranoia, more likely about the $$ it co (Score 1) 325

We could do that... except that it will lead to the requirement to carry insurance, as with other situations where you can cause more damage than you are likely to be able to pay for.

Your insurance company will in turn tell you to stay away from airports or the policy is not valid, meaning you are illegally flying. The end result would basically be a drone tax, and you would still not be allowed to fly near an airport.

It seems easier to just ban drone flight near airports, and cut out the middleman.

Comment Re:Forget paranoia, more likely about the $$ it co (Score 1) 325

There is a big difference between a bird, and a metal drone.

Bird strikes are a bad thing for aircraft, but mostly survivable. If you suck a bird into the engine it is going to cause a ton of damage come out as a fine mist.

Ponder for a moment the amount of energy it will take to render your drone into a fine mist. Now consider the energy content of battery or fuel. If the engine casing breaches the plane probably is coming down, or it will at least be a very bad day for all involved.

Still think it would be no big thing?

Comment Re:Standard FBI followup (Score 2) 388

Disclaimer... I am hugely drunk to an unreasonable degree which nobody my age should be.

I am all about personal liberties, and feel that our government has no business at all looking into the life of any citizen without great reason to do so. I do see a very large difference between inciting crime in a normal citizen and inciting someone with a security clearance.

Pushing a citizen into selling or manufacturing narcotics for instance is hugely different from getting someone to publish engineering details which are classified. I stand by my assessment that inciting this kind of thing in someone with a clearance is prudent and reasonable.

Knowing people who do this kind of thing for a living, they pay enough that financial troubles can be nothing other than greed or such horrifically bad life choices that it is ok to come down upon it.

Comment Re:Cell (Score 1) 338

I am not so sure a game AI would be a good task for a highly parallel processor which mostly handles floating point numbers.

How would you even put an AI together without a ton of branching? It would seem to me that the entire problem is check this condition, do this if true, if not check this, etc.

Comment Re:Right buddy... (Score 1) 365

Hmm, I think it is fairly relevant.

It is more difficult to write a C++ compiler than C, it is also easier to be sure an optimization is safe with C code. shows C as faster and smaller than C++ in most of the benchmarks too, and that one is GCC on Linux.

In theory they should be the same, but the reality is that they are not (although it is very close.)

Comment Re:Scripting language du jour (Score 1) 547

Really? C is quite possibly the most portable language which currently exists if you care to write it that way.

I nearly always use C for programs which must be portable due to the ease with which it can be made to run on a variety of platforms. I have quite a few which run on more than a few entirely different platforms with a simple recompile.

You can write C code which is tied to a specific operating system of course, but for any task where you have language options other than C you can generally write a portable C program which does that. The tasks which absolutely cannot be portable also tend to be the type of program where you have little to no choice of language anyway.

I also tend to pair it with another language for the UI unless I need something specific (although that really has more to do with my desire to hand projects off to someone else for minor UI tweaks, color changes, etc.) If you want portable UI code there are C libraries which can do that, although you end up with the same problems other languages with a portable UI library have (mainly lack of consistency with the rest of the UI, as you are not using the native API.)

If the project is the kind of thing where a web based UI is desirable, you can even make the UI language HTML. It is easy to have a C program bind to port 80 and respond to HTTP requests, or use CGI and a web server.

Comment Re:Right buddy... (Score 1) 365

I have a program using MSVC which is about 10% faster when compiled as C (with a long enough run time that this is a several minute difference just by changing the compiler option for the language).

Maybe some features could be disabled to make it match, or maybe it is an optimization the compiler only feels comfortable using if the language is C. In any case it does seem like programs in pure C tend to be ever so slightly faster than C++. It is not really enough to matter in the vast majority of cases, other design decisions will usually matter much more.

I can see the point of wanting to keep the language as C for the Linux kernel. While they could probably define which subsets of C++ are allowed and where, it is generally a lot easier on everyone to say that the subset is C for the entire thing.

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