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Comment Re:bridge for sale (Score 2) 138

I was going to write a reply saying the banking industry comprises private--not government--money. But hilarity ensued as I struggled to word my post carefully enough to defeat trolls telling me I was overlooking the bank bailouts of half a decade ago. After a while I realized I couldn't make my case and decided you're right--it is government spending.

So congrats on being even more cynical than I am. Care for an ennui contest?

Comment Re:"Undead" doesn't mean vibrant, though. (Score 1) 283

I'm pretty sure I've heard Guido say (in a video--not, like, at my dining room table) that the colons are indeed superfluous, but that in testing for Python's predecessor, ABC, users thought the code read more naturally with the colons in the syntax. Might have been in the "history of Python" presentation he did at Dropbox before he worked there.

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