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Comment Re:Solar Panels (Score 1) 250

People use most of their energy during non-sunlit times during the winter in Central Europe. It's primarily heating from gas, not electricity usage. This is why they care about Russia who is the only possible gas supplier.

The answer the the question is actually incredibly simple. Switch to electricity. It's more efficient to heat homes burning natural gas at a electricity generating plant and using heat pumps than to burn the gas directly on premise. Gas is not the only suitable fuel for electrical generation, so the monopoly can be broken by switching the power plants to coal/wind/nuclear. This is a fairly capital expensive proposition, but on-site solar heat production in the European winter is pure wishful thinking.

Comment Re:No degree = no job (Score 1) 546

But you really think it's so unlikely that someone picks up this knowledge without a degree? The textbooks used in universities are available to the general public, and there are also resources like Coursera that do provide a semi-traditional learning environment without conferring a diploma.

Unless you're really drowning in candidates, it probably makes more sense to interview for knowledge of CS theory (or use a standardized test) instead of doing a resume-filter.

Your anecdotal evidence is easily countered by other peoples' anecdotal evidence. Mine, for example.

Comment shipping (Score 1) 137


Customers should immediately stop using and unplug the recalled power cords and contact Hewlett-Packard to order a free replacement. Consumers can continue to use the computer on battery power.

I must say that I am very impressed by the fast shipping!

Comment Re:Kickstarter is not an investment (Score 1) 535

milk piles of money

Does that sound as ridiculous to anyone else? Does the money come out of the teats in a pile already, is it extruded as a solid, or is it a liquid form that somehow someone piles?

I don't have anything intelligent to say about your post or the Oculus tragedy; I just wanted to highlight a phrase that makes me want to giggle.

Comment Re:so why not set up shop elsewhere? (Score 1) 293

This can be fixed by requiring insurance in dangerous fields. Then insurance companies have the incentive to encourage corps to improve safety (will lead to lower premiums). Workers compensation is actually an insurance, but it's not run correctly. It doesn't really have a logical risk-to-premium and instead relies on historical results.

Many public works require bonded contractors, which also avoids the "bankruptcy solves everything" problem.

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