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Comment Re:wow (Score 1) 126

The reason I'm going "ape shit" is because this is one story in a continual stream of complete bollocks the press releases from which get recycled into the "media" on a regular basis, making scientists look truly stupid and helping to destroy public trust in science, the scientific method and scientists as a whole.

Comment Re:wow (Score 0) 126

They sampled red-green ratios from various painters, compared it to historical pollution data and found a correlation.

Good God. Seriously? Really wonkey_monkey? You're willing to give these idiota the benefit of the doubt because... they found a correlation? I know what happens next: The correlation becomes a model, the model predicts utter doom for mankind, possibly, but first more money is needed to fund further research!

They should be fired for brining science into disrepute. I bet their "correlation" doesn't have any error bars because, well, they have no idea how accurate their measurement is.

Comment Re:It's the end of the world as we know it (Score 2) 703

I thought they got it wrong by around 150%. But hey, what's 50% between scientists when you're already 100% wrong? The whole argument is utterly moronic. They don't know jack-shit about anything much. They can measure temperature reasonably well, but even there the temptation to go back and "adjust" past temperatures to make them cooler and "adjust" current temperatures to make them warmer, thus exaggerating the trend, is too much for them. The fact that we allow them to get away with this is one of the reasons public trust in science and scientists is rapidly reducing. Pretty soon these "scientists" (doing science in its broadest possible sense) will be held in as high esteem as lawyers and estate agents.

Comment Re:It's the end of the world as we know it (Score 1) 703

and what we've observed is the warming that was predicted

Don't be silly. What's happened is scientists have absolutely no clucking clue what caused the warming, or indeed the cooling, or indeed the warming before that or the cooling before that, but nevertheless will hoover up huge grants for their research institutions by pretending they do.

Comment Re:I know why they're annoyed (Score 1) 335

I pointed out that the heat is apparently "missing" in the deep ocean, but that argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because the ocean heats the atmosphere more than the atmosphere heats the ocean, as we know from El Nino and La Nina. It must do. It's 1000 x the heat capacity. Again, thermodynamics. What is wrong with you?

Comment Re:Pardon? (Score 2) 62

You can't overturn a 1952 conviction for something that was against the law in 1952. That would make the legal system a complete nonsense, with people's convictions for past illegal acts being overturned as the law changed.

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