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Comment we need more trades tech schools apprenticeships (Score 1) 283

We need to have more trades / tech schools and apprenticeships.

The higher level of college are to academic. And even just to days 4 year college plans are loaded with fluff and filler with sides of skill gaps.

There is to much put on academic / theory. Also at some schools you can end up learning stuff that is 2-4 years old at the start of class and by the time you get to end of 4 years they may just be starting to work on teaching stuff that was new 2-4 years ago.

Comment the college system was not meant to take on what i (Score 1) 389

the college system was not meant to take on what it was being used for now days.

We have to meany people going to college now days when there should be more tech / trade schools as well more people going to community colleges.

k-12 system is being come to much tech the test and AP classes can be just tech the test.

The old college system is a poor fit for some skills and in others it can be to much theroy with skill gaps.

We need to cut down the time in college and have more trades / apprenticeships.

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