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Comment Windows needs more sp / update roll ups (Score 0) 517

Windows needs more sp's / mini sp / update roll ups.

If just to make it easier to get see with a quick look how up do date a system is / easier reinstalls / off line / low bandwidth sites updates / etc.

Windows 10s should got like 10.1 10.1.5 10.2 10.2.5 and so on. Maybe have a 11 or have it go 10.0.1 10.0.2 10.0.3 with maybe a 10.1 down the road. But no more of what they did with 8 where they had 8.1 and then 8.1 update when it should of been 8.11 or 8.2.

Comment see what happens with intel when AMD is out of the (Score 1) 193

see what happens with intel when AMD is out of the way they jack up prices and cut back on stuff first's cutting back on pci-e lanes in $350-$400 cpus now open source what is next locked boot loaders? What to boot linux you need to buy a $250+ (1 cpu) $400-$600 (2 cpu) server boards or the top of line $300-500 gamer boards

Comment Don't vote GOP if you don't like it then! (Score 1) 74

Don't vote GOP if you don't like it then! Even more so with the end of job based health insurance.

As under the old system the only plans that will cover you will be some type of Medicaid plan (if you qualify) and Medicare (if you qualify) In the past some people where on Disability just for the healthcare and had to cut hours on the job as mini wage went up.

Other then there the ER that will cover some stuff and try to bill you for it. All at a higher cost of Medicare for all.

Bearing that the jail / prison system will pick up the slack at a much higher cost the then ER.

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