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Comment Re:I like it! (Score 4, Insightful) 309

I have yet to see any DRM that noticeably effects piracy rates. Hell, I suspect it sometimes increases piracy rates. Assassin's Creed II was the most pirated game at the time, despite Ubisoft's draconian always-online DRM. The only good it seemed to do was piss off legitimate users, especially media darlings like combat soldiers, who often have flaky satellite connections... if they're lucky. When the pirated copy of a game is superior to the legitimate copy, that's going to hurt sales more than anything.

Comment I like it! (Score 2) 309

Every time an artist does something like this, it pays off greatly. Think Humble Indy Bundle. Yet all the major publishers claim they'd be bankrupted? Pirates gonna pirate. Haters gonna hate. Don't screw over your legitimate users with malware!

Submission + - Meet The Strange Bedfellows Who Could Stop SOPA (

jfruhlinger writes: "In a political environment that's become very strongly defined by partisan lines, the SOPA debate has offered an unexpected ray of hope: the two main Congressional opponents of the bill are Ron Wyden, an Oregon Senator deemed a "hardcore liberal" and Darrell Issa, a California Representative who is one of the Obama Administration's fiercest critics. (There are both Ds and Rs in favor of the bill, too.)"

Submission + - Feds launch Carrier IQ investigation (

zacharye writes: Federal investigators have launched a probe in order to determine the legality surrounding the use of Carrier IQ software, which tracks smartphone activity and sends certain data to wireless carriers without users’ knowledge...

Comment Backend vs Frontend (Score 1) 435

From my experience with financial companies, COBOL still is entrusted as the God of all Data and backend processes, but almost no user input is provided directly. In fact, most of the COBOL I've worked with has ASSUMED that the data is good and non-malicious. Either that, or the security checks were in the user interface code, which was abandoned 20 years ago. My guess on this? The COBOL still out there has very small attack's encased in a warm, porous, gooey layer of Java/PHP/.NET/Ruby/Groovy/Grails/G-g-g-g-g-unit! The fact that PHP (and to a lesser extent, Java) was designed by and for script kiddies does not help either, buy hey!

Submission + - Facebook password glitch?

An anonymous reader writes: Usually when I log on to my Facebookaccount, I use both small and capital letters in my password.

Today, by accident, my keyboards CapsLock where on, and I logged into my FBaccount, but when I typed my password, the Capital Letters and the small letters in my password was reversed, but the password was still accepted, and I could still log into my account.

I've tested a few times to make sure that it was working, and I even changed my password to se what happened.

This is what I did to check it again. I changed my password to BigBig
I then logged ut, and in again with the password, and it was OK. Then I logged out, and logged in again but this time i used the password bIGbIG, and the password was accepted.

So FB accepts both BigBig , and bIGbIG as the correct password, even though I chose BigBig as my password.

Can anybody please confirm or deny this, and if this is accepted by FB, then I wonder if it is easier for someone to hack my (or someone elses) FBaccount?

Thanks. :)"

Comment This can't be right! (Score 1) 133

I, for one, am SHOCKED that ad networks aren't honoring my polite request not to make money off of me. I'm also puzzled that I continue to get emails about Viagra after dutifully clicking on the "opt-out" link in those e-mails. I should write a letter to my congressional representatives. They'll listen!

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