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Comment Only if you can separate it from the U-232 (Score 5, Informative) 258

U-232 is also produced in LFTR reactors, and is HELLACIOUSLY radioactive. You can't work around U-232 with just a glove-box - you're gonna get a tan that way. It also poisons the reaction of a U-233 bomb, so you've got to separate it out, so you're back to centrifuges and the like, and you're gonna have to throw out the contaminated and radioactive centrifuges when you're done as well.

Comment I learned that the hard way as a teenager. (Score 5, Informative) 164

My very first job, I worked at an A&W, and they put me to work at the deep fryer. The procedure there (OSHA would not approve) was to take a big bag of fries out of the freezer, cook some of them, put the fries back in the freezer, and repeat for a few iterations. They freeze-thaw cycles would cause the fries to get covered with ice crystals.

One particularly frantic dinner rush, I was scrambling to get fries out, and I jammed a whole bunch of ice-covered fries in the deep fryer. Of course, the crystals flashed to steam, and splashed my arm with napalm-hot frying oil. I still have the scars.

Comment Re:Hardly (Score 1) 362

That's the thing - it's more fun to play with friends than with random Internet assholes, whether the game is deathmatch or co-op. Play co-op with random people on the Internet, and you'll get some douchebag griefers who'll do things like team-killing just to screw with people. I have better things to do than deal with griefers.

Nmap 5.20 Released 36

ruphus13 writes "Nmap has a new release out, and it's a major one. It includes a GUI front-end called Zenmap, and, according to the post, 'Network admins will no doubt be excited to learn that Nmap is now ready to identify Snow Leopard systems, Android Linux smartphones, and Chumbies, among other OSes that Nmap can now identify. This release also brings an additional 31 Nmap Scripting Engine scripts, bringing the total collection up to 80 pre-written scripts for Nmap. The scripts include X11 access checks to see if X.org on a system allows remote access, a script to retrieve and print an SSL certificate, and a script designed to see whether a host is serving malware. Nmap also comes with netcat and Ndiff. Source code and binaries are available from the Nmap site, including RPMs for x86 and x86_64 systems, and binaries for Windows and Mac OS X. '"
Linux Business

Pushing Linux Adoption Through Gaming 269

An article on CNet questions the viability of using games as part of a strategy to increase Linux adoption. It points out a blog post by Andrew Min which suggests: "... Linux companies also need to start paying attention to the open source gaming community. Why? It's lacking. However, gamers can get excited about free games. They just have to be up to par with commercial games. The problem is, commercial companies pay hundreds of employees to build a game for several years, while many competing gaming projects only last several years before the developer moves on. It's time for open source developers to start getting paid for their jobs. Who better to pay them than the companies that benefit most?"

Submission + - White House: E-mail on Fired Lawyers was Deleted

narramissic writes: "In another apparent case of 'oops that incriminating e-mail was deleted,' officials for President Bush have claimed that an unknown number of e-mails regarding the firing of eight government lawyers have gone missing. White House spokesperson Scott Stanzel said that the authors of those e-mails may have used accounts maintained by the Republican National Committee to discuss official government business. Here's the rub: The Republican National Committee has a policy of deleting e-mails from its accounts approximately once a month — although e-mails from nonpolitical White House accounts are automatically archived."

Submission + - White House E-mails Deleted

kidcharles writes: The Washington Post reports that in the midst of an investigation by the U.S. Congress into the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys by the Department of Justice, numerous White House e-mails have been lost. Among them are communications from presidential adviser Karl Rove. Parallels are being drawn with the infamous "18 minutes" missing from the Nixon Watergate tapes. Also at issue is the use of Republican National Committee e-mail domains (such as gwb43.com and georgewbush.com) rather than the official White House domain. This is a violation of the Presidential Records Act.

Submission + - GWB43.com -- Now Disappearing

CompaniaHill writes: Blogger winstnsmth writes, "With the latest news of RNC hosted email archives being "mishandled" by the White House, I decided to take a trip around the cyberblock to see what's new. To my surprise, I wasn't able to ping gwb43.com."

"The nameservers responsible for giving the definitive answer as to gwb43.com are no longer responding to requests for that domain. The email servers are still there, but I'm not able to pin down the IP for the domain itself. It appears to me that steps are being taken to 'disappear' gwb43.com." Geeky Bonus: Dig query showing no "A" record for the domain.
United States

Submission + - RNC Emails Lost! How believable is that?

ionFreeman writes: Senator Leahy is suspicious that the RNC could have lost the emails White House Aides sent. But, it seems to me the whole idea was to have those emails unsubpoenable. Why would they be retained? Our clients work pretty hard to retain their emails — it seems like that would be a pretty easy thing to do if you wanted to not do it.

Submission + - RNC "Lost" Emails. Can they be recovered?

meldroc writes: "The White House, in response to Congressional subpoenas of emails on Republican National Committee servers including gwb43.com, claimed on Wednesday that it had "mishandled" some email accounts used by some two dozen Presidential aides, resulting in the loss of an undetermined number of emails concerning White House business.

Is anyone else seeing the ghost of Rosemary Woods here? This question is for those of you who work in ISPs and other places where you handle a decent amount of email. How likely is it that emails such as the ones in the story can be lost accidentally? How hard it is to "lose" emails deliberately? And assuming that computer forensics gurus can get a hold of those servers, as well as the workstations of certain White House aides (like Karl Rove,) how hard would it be to recover emails that had been "accidentally" deleted, or even deliberately wiped?"

Submission + - Florida University forced To Idolize Jeb Bush

Ariastis writes: Two weeks ago, the University of Florida voted to deny Jeb Bush an honorary degree. By a 38-28 vote, the faculty Senate rejected the former governor's nomination, citing concerns about some of Bush's education initiatives, including his dismantling of affirmative action programs in the state. Upset by this lack of Jeb Bush adoration, the conservative-controlled House Schools & Learning Council voted yesterday to force the university to rename its education school the Jeb Bush College of Education.

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