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Comment Canonical's code contribution (Score 5, Informative) 175

Canonical's code contribution is irrelevant. What open source has always needed is some polish and some marketing. Thats what canonical provide, they polished and marketed (to an extent) a decent distro. OSS has never been short of decent code and quality software engineering. Canonical are providing a great link in the value chain of linux and as long as the basic prinicipals are upheld im all for it!

Comment Re:No faith (Score 1) 453

Sorry but that just plain rubbish I have a bunch of IBM certs because IBM make us take them to keep our partner status. Ive seen sheets of answers being passed round so people can memorise them, pass the cert and carry on doing something useful. The only certs i would pay any attention to are ones with a written component such as SCEA (Sun (oracle now?) Certified Enterprise Architecht). Even then its probably pretty easy to rip off the written component from somewhere.

IT industry certs are a joke. Basicly what happens is:-

1) Guy pays off certification center in india works through the exam a few times untill hes seen all the questions in the random pool
2) get answers to all the questions (do a shitty job)
3) Sell answers on or some dodgy site as a "guide"
4) profit

Comment Re:Streaming HD video (Score 1) 376

nah, they cant show me the movie without really [i]showing[/i] me the movie so the data is decrypted somewhere and the pixels in my tv are told what colour to go someone is always going to be able to grab the stream and make a good ol' file our of it. once that file is on bittorent all the effort you describe will be for nowt, in fact if bandwidth realy is cheap you wont even have to download it form a BT site you can get it from some kinda pirate 1080p streaming site

Comment Re:Heomeopathy = Placebo (Score 2, Insightful) 507

Yeah man chinese traditional medicine is awseome.... you only have to go back to the 60s and average life expectancy in china is a whopping 36!.... that traditional medicine must really rock...

Comment Re:ER... Why? (Score 1) 766

I stuck my mum on ubuntu and shes never looked back. My sister has just called me to tell me her XP laptop is spamming popups, giving spuroius virus messages and generally sounds like its in a world of pain. I cant wait to spend 2-3 hours tonight mopping all that crap up


Modern Warfare 2 Not Recalled In Russia After All 94

thief21 writes "After claims that console versions Modern Warfare 2 had been recalled in Russia due to complaints from politicians and the gaming public over the infamous airport slaughter scene, it turns out the stories were completely untrue. Activision never released a console version of the game in Russia." Instead, they simply edited the notorious scene out of the PC version. They did this of their own volition, since Russia doesn't have a formal ratings committee.

Comment Re:Good Grief! (Score 1) 259

Yeah, and they could make those guys lives easier by building a fence... like, out of wood, or bricks or wire.... give em something to walk along!

In fairness even half a mile is still quite a long distance to patrol if there are determined people trying to get through... in fact if I was patroling it as a geek i might erect some cameras and motion sensors to help me along and get my colleagues to do the same.... hmmm

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