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Comment Re:Fahrenheit? WTHolyF? (Score -1) 210

The main benefit of celcius is not that it is tied to water, it is that it is a linear scale. 30 degrees C is exactly twice as hot as 15 degrees C which is 15 times hotter than 1 degree C. Fahrenheit is not linear at all, it is logarithmic which makes it a huge PITA to work with in equations.

Comment Re:Depends on the oversight/fallback systems (Score 1) 185

I completely disagree with you. I certainly DO NOT want automated driving systems to be supervised by a human, because compared to machines humans make horrible decisions and are slow to react to stimuli. In fact, I don't want a a human to be able to control the vehicle at all. Such is my nirvana.

Comment It doesn't have to work perfectly. (Score 2) 185

Automated driving systems DO NOT need to be foolproof.

Near 100% of highway accidents are the result of humans. The amount due to equipment failure is so small as to be statistically insignificant. Even if the automated system is only 95% foolproof, it would still reduce the number of traffic accidents by a huge margin by removing fallible humans from the equation.

Comment Re:Reclining should be banned in coach. (Score 2) 819

Oh go BZZZT yourself.

Look, you can pontificate on and on about the glory days of yesteryear where you had enough legroom to roast a pig until you're blue in the face, but the simple FACT is that TODAY there is not enough legroom in coach to offer reclining. This is due mainly to the downward price pressures of a fiercely competitive airline industry with razor-thin margins.

If you want room to recline, then feel free to purchase a premium economy seat (which by the way costs LESS than the same economy seat did 10 years ago). If you're too cheap to do this, then suck it up.

Comment Reclining should be banned in coach. (Score 4, Insightful) 819

Look, I don't even blame these people that much. When someone reclines in front of you on a plane, it is HORRIBLE.

If you want to take a nap on a plane, then upgrade to premium economy or first class. Otherwise, keep your damn seat upright. I hate how reclining is still allowed on flights. Reclining your seat on plane is SO INCONSIDERATE to the person behind you. It jams the seat into their legs, it screws up their tray table angle, and it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the person to get any work done in the plane. The only course of action you have is to ALSO recline your seat to try to re-gain some room, even if you didn't want to. Now you have not only screwed over the NEXT person behind you but you also might be hurting your back because you need to sit upright. Awesome.

Honestly I don't know why airlines still have reclining seats in coach nowadays. If they would just eliminate the ability then fights like this would not occur.

Comment Full Packet Capture (Score 3, Informative) 35

so-called deep-packet inspection devices, which can also be used to prevent piracy, the spread of malware, and website access, all at the Internet provider level....

Er, no, that is not what full packet capture devices are used for AT ALL.

Full packet capture devices are typically used for digital forensics. For example, your company gets hacked using an APT and you know that probably data was exfiltrated, but you don't know exactly what data was taken and you don't know how these guys got into your system. A full packet capture device can help here. Another way they are typically used is to produce evidence for court cases where employees steal company data and so forth, or browse child porn at work, etc.

They are NOT typically used to "prevent piracy" or "spread of malware" or "website access", I don't even see the use case here. I think the OP is confusing full packet capture with layer 7 application state firewalls, which ARE used for the above.

Comment Distance from Phone (Score 1) 87

The people posting these reviews have had the watch for a few days, but I wonder how much education they got on it from Motorola, or if they were going in blind?

The reason I ask is that it has been well advertised today that the battery life of the watch will be HEAVILY INFLUENCED by it's distance from your phone. If the watch is seperated by the phone often, then it will constantly be using more power to communicate with it and/or be probing for the phone. This will significantly impact it's battery life, according to Motorola - and it makes sense. I know that for myself, the watch wold always be close to the phone so this would never be an issue.

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