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Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 2) 213

No, they didn't. The total number of lanes declined. In essence, they went from having four lanes, with no dedicated turn lane, to three lanes for most of the street, expanding to four (with one being a dedicated turn lane) at every other intersection. So, for the bulk of the street, the number of lanes declined.

Four lanes with no dedicated left turn lane turns into three lanes when someone wants to turn left.

And add to that the chaos of having to do lane changes because people get stuck behind left turners (and the corresponding people who want to turn left but were in the other lanes to avoid left turners in the previous intersection) means traffic just gets all jumbled up.

Put in some proper traffic lights to help clear left turn lanes so people don't jam it when it fills up and spills into a straight through lane...

Basically all that happened was in order to build a bike lane, they had to reconfigure a bunch of intersections and in so doing also happened to improve traffic flow.

On your traffic lights point, please do remember that these left turn lanes aren't like what you're used to, if you're not a New Yorker. These are left turn lanes coming off a one way street. In Manhattan (at least) most major arteries are one way. They're not there to facilitate turning left across oncoming traffic, but rather because turners often get held up by pedestrian traffic.

Comment Re:Bikes lanes are nice (Score 2) 213

No, they didn't. The total number of lanes declined. In essence, they went from having four lanes, with no dedicated turn lane, to three lanes for most of the street, expanding to four (with one being a dedicated turn lane) at every other intersection. So, for the bulk of the street, the number of lanes declined.

Comment Re:P.S.A. in you live in NYC (Score 4, Insightful) 213

Hey, it's a defense, don't get me wrong, but your categorical statement that there isn't a law requiring you to ride in the bike line was just wrong, and bad advice for other riders. You can get ticketed for riding outside the bike line, and then it's incumbent on you to make the argument that you had reasonable grounds to be outside the lane. In your case, the judge was very friendly - not all are.

Comment Re:P.S.A. in you live in NYC (Score 4, Informative) 213

"there is no law saying a bicyclist must ride in lane in NYC.. it's only recommended but up to rider's discretion."

This isn't actually true. See below. If there's a bike lane, you're required to use it, unless you're making a turn, or are reasonably trying to avoid conditions. Reasonably is the key word here. Reasonably means "what a typical person in that situation would do," the rider doesn't get to define reasonably based on his/her own standards. Clearly, if there's a car parked in the bike lane, it's reasonable to go around it. If you're still not in the bike lane two blocks later, that's going to be hard to claim.

(p) Bicycles. (1) Bicycle riders to use bicycle lanes. Whenever a usable path or lane for bicycles has been provided, bicycle riders shall use such path or lane only except under any of the following situations:
        (i) When preparing for a turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
        (ii) When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions (including but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, pushcarts, animals, surface hazards) that make it unsafe to continue within such bicycle path or lane.


Comment Don't Let the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good (Score 1) 170

Yes, police body cameras are far from a perfect solution. They're a definite improvement, though, both for citizens, and for honest police officers. Certainly, they won't record all interactions, and you might have situations where the camera "malfunctioned." That "malfunction" is going to create questions in and of itself, though. If you're an attorney suing the city over a complaint of police brutality, and the officer claims that, during the time your client claims he was being mistreated, the camera "malfunctioned," that's something the jury is going to take into account, particularly if the camera worked just fine the rest of the time.

Comment Re:Like most stupid taxes... (Score 1) 165

Wow, you're almost as good at evading a question as you are at raising your taxes.

How about this, then? California puts a measure on the ballot to set the state sales tax level. It's multiple choice. Your choices are below. Which one do you vote for? Remember, your complaint about taxes was that you don't get to vote on them, so now you're getting to vote on them. Choose.

A 0%
B 1%
C 2%
D 3%
E 4%
F 5%
G 6%
H 7%
I 8%
J 9%
K 10%

Comment Re:Like most stupid taxes... (Score 1) 165

I use methods like this to not pay California's state sales tax which is 10 percent.

On all large purchases, I buy from out of state and try to bounce the purchase through two retailers if the first one is going to charge me the state sales tax. I buy stuff this way all the time and almost never pay the state sales tax.

here someone is going to call me a bad person... whatever. Lower the tax and I won't be motivated to play these games.

So, if the CA sales tax were lower, you'd pay it? What rate would be appropriate? If you're honest, then you'd pay that rate through a voluntary contribution to the state of California every year. If you aren't doing that, then your argument about "I don't mind paying taxes, but only if they're at a rate I think appropriate" just falls apart.

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