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Comment Re:Visualize (Score 1) 50

Holy crap, you just described in perfect detail the way my brain works. I've never really been able to describe it, but you just did it perfectly... even right down to your past experiences in school. I particularly likes how you describe it as a living, yet static picture. The best I've always been able to describe it is; "I have a lot of RAM, but a slow CPU." Someone should make a myers-briggs-like classification specifically for engineers (predominately INTP/INTJ types?) . There are clearly some common thinking patterns at work here, and it would be interesting to see how they affect the way people tackle engineering problems, and what type of problems their brains are best suited for.

Comment Re:Haha, nobody will do this. (Score 1) 208

Due to the amount of product placement I've seen, I've grown to distrust anyone who cites bing as a source. I'm not saying it's a bad search engine, just that a citation of it in a clearly pro winphone post makes anything you say highly suspect. I would go as far as saying that the shilling is so obvious, I may have been duped into feeding the trolls... again.

Comment RealityMod on stock BF2 is king (Score 1) 208

RealityMod on stock BF2 is the only FPS We will ever need. It still to this day gets updates (v1.2 just got released May-2014), the community based effort has fostered a higher production value than any of the commercial crap getting pumped out (they produce all their own high quality textures, record all their own sounds for every weapon, and had access to military equipment for recording the "big booms"), the gameplay is incredibly immersive, and team based tactics/strategy is the only way to win.

http://www.realitymod.com ...and never look back. See you on the battlefield!

Comment Re:No, we don't (Score 1) 309

FYI, Flash is pretty much indispensable to the "eLearning" industry. Native applications are pretty much out of the question if you want to market to large entities that have a protected IT environment, and HTML5 is simply not fit for purpose with this kind of usage. We took a huge hit in functionality when we converted to HTML based activities (simple games, media, etc). I'll probably catch a few troll mods for praising Flash, but it truly was the superior technology for any kind of interactive content. Its problems were political, not technical.

Comment Re:Somebody post a SWIFT example PLEASE! (Score 1) 636

You don't write them every time, you type a letter or two, smash enter to pick the autocomplete suggestion (the method you want is almost always the first or second option) and then use tab to jump to the next parameter value to enter.

In this case, increased verbosity means less rote memorisation and more grokking of the general gist of API patterns so you really can focus more on solving the problem at hand rather than bashing out code.

Using my own argument against me... touché AC.

Comment Re:Can I have a pinch of salt with that (Score -1, Flamebait) 288

Don't let them get to you. The only people I see complaining about H1Bs "taking all the jobs," are a bunch of out of touch old fogies who refuse to keep their skills up to date and relevant. (Note: there are still a lot of good peeps in that age group, and this comment was not directed at them). You are better than them, so just forget all that noise and come join us, in a new age, a new reality of instantaneous sharing of knowledge and ideas from across the globe, my brother in code. Come rejoice with us, and share your gift, whatever that gift may be. Share it far and share it wide and share it for the betterment of all mankind.

Comment Re:Duh... (Score 1) 265

It's the latter and seems to be confined to the United States at the moment. European and Asian forces seem to get the cooperation they need and African forces, those countries who have them, are way too busy with actual crime to bother with making crimes up.

I was in Manila awhile back, and something I found interesting is the huge difference in the attitude of law enforcement and security forces. I always feel very nervous around armed security forces in the US and Mexico, but in Manila it was as if you were the customer, and they were there to serve you. They would say yes sir and no sir, hold doors open for you, and were simply pleasant and helpful. That's the kind of police force we need here at home. One that sees us as their customer, rather than there enemy.

Comment Re:Lazy people (Score 1) 294

Nope. I'm going to have to agree with nurb on this one. I use to always accept the fact that "I just suck at sports," until I got into martial arts. Turns out I just didn't have any _interest_ in sports, and so never bothered becoming any good at them. One can't be the best at everything of course, but you really can choose what you want to be good at, and your determination will have a much greater factor in your success than raw talent (as I read here in a /. article awhile back).

Comment Re:Too late. (Score 1) 138

So would that include something like a Terramax UGV (http://oshkoshdefense.com/technology-1/unmanned-ground-vehicle/) coupled with a Boomerang anti sniper system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang_%28countermeasure%29)?

This would give a military the ability to send an unmanned vehicle into almost any terrain (rural or urban), which could respond instantly to shots fired at it with its own deadly return fire. And, considering the hell that Marines faced in Helmand with IEDs and snipers while slogging through muddy fields, wouldn't this present a far better option (particularly for the Marines and their families)?

+2 Informative

Comment Re:So much for Net Neutrality. (Score 3, Insightful) 56

I guess you don't count the fact that the US Federal government is spending billions of dollars to try to repair some of the damage from Snowden's theft and leaks as detrimental. You'll be helping to pay for that since you live in the US. No doubt GCHQ will be paying some bills as well.

There has certainly been other fallout from that, but apparently we can count on you to never go looking for it.

Wait, that argument isn't logical. What is the government spending billions of dollars trying to repair some of the damage if there are no detrimental affects from the leaks (which you confirmed in your rebuttal)? Sounds to me like they are spending billions of dollars covering up the mess they themselves created. Maybe they should just stop doing that. Problem solved.

Comment Re:The numbers game. (Score 1) 199

Instead of directly managing and funding research, the government could provide tax breaks for companies who hire programmers that contribute to open source (presumably on projects beneficial to said company). They could also provide funding in the form of grants to orgs that create new and useful software, of which society as a whole benefits from.

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