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Comment Re:The US market is really confusion (Score 1) 75

I suggest you buy a local SIM, otherwise roaming charges will kill you. Think $1-2 per minute, or more, depending on your home carrier.
You will have to choose between AT&T or T-Mobile, they are the two (main) GSM providers. Both offer nationwide prepaid plans. Your N9 will work on both networks in 3G mode, your iphone will work on both networks in EDGE mode and on AT&T in 3G mode. In urban areas they're probably similar, but AT&T has significantly better coverage in rural areas. You can check their website for coverage maps. You can also check their website for pricing on prepaid plans (called gophone on at&t and pay as you go on tmobile).

I am more familiar with AT&T plans, since that's what I buy for my parents when they come to visit from Europe: the SIM costs $25 to buy, but it gives you $25 credit to your account so it is essentially free. Some clueless salesperson might want to convince you otherwise, but prepaid SIM card purchases are so rare they don't really know what's going on. You have a choice of plans, $0.10/minute, $0.20/SMS or if you're going to use your phone a lot, $2/day for unlimited voice/SMS access. You can also add a data package to this, which will cost you extra.

One thing you need to know about US cellular market is that you pay for incoming calls and texts at the same rate as for outgoing calls. This is compensated by the fact that rates don't differ if you're calling to a different network, either cellular or landline. Obviously, this does not matter if you decide to go for the $2/day unlimited plan.

T-Mobile's plans are different, I don't think they offer an unlimited option, and they are a bit more expensive, depending on your usage. Also, not sure you can get a data plan with them.

Comment Re:prepaid (Score 1) 157

And if you can't find the phone you want with Boost, try Virgin Mobile, they're Sprint pre-paid as well. You might even be able to just swap SIMs and use the phones on either service (iDEN phones notwithstanding).

Sprint is CDMA, there's no SIM card to be swapped there. Also Boost and Virgin phones are locked to their respective carriers, you can't buy from one and use the other for service.

Comment Re:Data plan cost the same (Score 1) 334

If it's only going to be fully functional on AT&T, you may as well go for the contract, since you won't be saving any money on service.

The point of having an unlocked iphone even on AT&T is to be able to use a local SIM card when you travel. Another reason would be to use an AT&T prepaid account, which would be a lot less expensive than their regular voice plans.

Comment Re:Airbus (Score 1) 449

I believe the problem lies at the interface between humans and software. It appears that in this case the software ran into a situation that it cold not handle properly, and the humans were not trained to recognize this limitation. Kinda reminds me of people that trust GPS navigators blindly and end up in a river or stranded in some desert.

Comment Re:lame (Score 1) 189

The other thing to keep in mind is that I'm sure the first commercially available digital computers weren't particularly more useful, but it's an important step.

IIRC, ENIAC was used to compute the trajectory of artillery shells. The following ones were heavily involved in the design of nuclear weapons.

Comment Re:Be ready for a disappointment (Score 1) 175

I worked in a virtual team for 3 years and we were pretty successful. Here's how we did it:

1. Core hours are the single most important thing. Have everybody there at the same time. +/- 1-2 hrs are ok, but opposite timezone are not. We all worked on EST with schedules that varied by at most 1 hr.
2. Continuous IM presence. We also kept a couple of group chats open. One group chat can serve as "water cooler" chat, for swapping failblog links and general breeze shooting.
3. Group Video conferences. Not always on, you don't need to be distracted by someone burping when you want to focus on your code. Especially since pining somebody is as easy as an IM message. Skype works, but group video chat is not free
4. Virtual whiteboards, using wacom tablets. To be used during video conferences.
5. Collaborative editor, such as SubEthaEdit. For code reviews, note taking, etc.
6. Normal software engineering tools, dscm, wiki, issue tracker, etc

This stuff does not have to be expensive, it can be done with off the shelf software and equipment. I think more important is the set of rules and procedures that need to be established (see #1, core hours). Also the quality of people in the team is crucial, but that goes for collocated teams as well.

Comment Not accurate (Score 1) 182

The map is not accurate. It says I have access to fiber (presumably FIOS), which I don't. It also claims I don't have access to Docsis 3 cable service, which I do.
And don't get me started on how spectacularly crappy it works on Safari and Firefox.

Comment Re:Not quite (Score 2) 945

What about three people? Why can't a man have two lawfully wedded wives at the same time? Who appointed you the arbiter of where the line in the sand is drawn once marriage is no longer between one man and one woman (which the overwhelming majority of human cultures have always defined it as)?

Yeah, why not? As long as all persons involved consent to it, what gives you the right to forbid it? Just because it doesn't fit your moral or religious views?

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