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Submission + - Hello World on PSvita ( 1

YokimaSun writes: Mamosuke a PSP Homebrewer from Japan has posted the first Hello World on the PSVita which comes from the PSP Emulator in the console. Using a buffer overflow he has found a way into the PSVita and with many PSP Game exploits still around and not published for the whole homebrew and hacking community this means that in the short term homebrew is here on the PSvita. Lets hope this is the start of a true PSVita Homebrew Scene.

Comment Re:Another level (Score 2) 187

Megatextures still have potential. They just need to be more conservative instead of trying to make everything out of them. Mixing traditional textures and Megatextures gave the game BRINK it's distinctive look and the technique could be extended further. John Carmack was trying too hard to: A more realistic approach would've been optimal.

Comment Re:Shadow clarification (Score 1) 187

Stencil shadows haven't been removed. Just the depth-fail method (which may mean a performance penalty unless Carmack worked some new magic...) Even without the shadows, the per-pixel dynamic lighting is still valuable and new shadow methods can be implemented anyway (especially with so much of the engine tracking light positional effects).

Comment Re:The Dark Mod! (Score 3, Funny) 187

Comment Re:Sunk cost fallacy (Score 1) 235

Yes, lower IPC was a risky move but it was a gamble that they had to take with this strategy. The whole idea still makes sense: 1) Specialize on threaded server workloads on the CPU 2) Increase the pipeline stages for clocking head-room at the die shrink nodes (Even though they backed-off a bit, Intel will do this too) 3) Get Application developers to move to GP-GPU 4) Next-gen Fusion 5) Now you have x86 only doing minimal or perfunctory work while the on-die GPU handles the muscle. I don't know why people are applauding Intel for marginal jumps in FP capability and a hand-full of decode tricks when we are on the cusp of a CPU with MOUNTAINS of Floating Point and parallelism. You think that PowerPC had an advantage in media-rich applications with AVX? Think of how crazy good Fusion will be if the plan comes together. That CPU will be a media-rich messiah! Sorry if I don't share your excitement over opening Word documents quicker because of super cool x86 decode tricks. I want a CPU with a next-gen attitude.

Comment The real limit? (Score 1) 542

I believe I've read that the real speed limit is 100 kilometers per second. Any faster any the electron-shell stability of most atoms will become significant enough to induce heavy thermal increases.? (Essentially, you will cook as if in a microwave oven,,,) As far as "going fast" is concerned, the easiest solution would be to build a large mag-lev train in space. It would be like a large particle accelerator so you could get the ship up to just below the speed of light as it circled around, The problem, of course, is the 100kmps limitation as originally stated (if true)... Well, the other problem is "stopping"...

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