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Comment Sounds a bit commie to me (Score 1) 363


Arizona Public is required to buy solar power from customers with rooftop panels, and the commission agreed with its argument that the policy unfairly shifts some of the utility’s costs to people without panels.

Come on, comrades, everyone should be supporting one power generation collective. What Arizona Public needs is some solidarity and loyalty from you people of the state. We don't want any individuals breaking away and spending money on fancy solar panels to make their own electricity.

I find it ironic that an American company is wheeling out communist-like arguments to protect their business.

Comment Re:World speed record ? Lol, the French have it si (Score 1) 174

The article is slightly confusing because, in some places, it cites the maximum speed in testing during development (where the world records are set) but appears to be ranking in order of maximum speed in service. In some cases the significance of the cited speed is not clear, e.g. "TGV Réseau 236 mph capability".

World record speeds are interesting but not particularly useful for passengers. The TGV that holds the world speed record for a conventional (wheeled) train operated under conditions that do not occur in normal use: it had larger wheels fitted and the overhead catenary had a higher voltage and a higher tension (to ensure that waves resulting from displacement due to the pantograph travelled faster than the train). An impressive feat, all the same.

Comment Re:IDIOT. (Score 1) 72

The GP already made it CLEAR that the == operator is not a statement of equivalence.

The particular choice of operator for equality in a predicate cannot influence whether the predicate is being logically asserted, i.e. holds for all valuations, or is just a free-standing formula. To make it clear that it was an assertion, it should have been written with a turnstile in front:


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