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Comment Re: I like it. (Score 1) 306

Historically book publishers sold paper. The content was sort of a loss leader. You can *feel* the disruption in the Force from ebooks.

You might want to identify publishers who are other than paper pushers historically. Baen and Beacon come to my mind.

Comment Re: ...The hell? (Score 1) 291

People get their asses kissed for writing books filled with this sort of trollish use of logical thought experiments. This fellow actually picks practical public policy issues that are in the news and invites close reasoning. Worse sometimes he does real stuff. He needs a regular column.

It seems odd to me that someone would think a fiction writer is necessarily doing an autobiography and even if the writer says he is that this is true.

Comment drought and water price (Score 2) 242

My state of Oregon is fully in drought. California is in extreme drought. Pretty much all the west has been in drought in a more general way for over a century.

Now in California if you have 100 year water rights then you might own water you can sell privately. Since the public sources are no longer there for many uses then buying on the spot market might make sense. The spot hit $2200 acre foot recently. You can play with this and see that this might be 250 1000 gallon units untreated. So i guess this Texas town is maybe paying $200 for an acre foot and this treated. These numbers are pretty much just in my head approximations and you can recalculate as needed.

California if this this goes on will be in a humanitarian crisis in 18 months. If so, you may be affected. You might want to support what this Texas city did after making the scat jokes. Or maybe shut down high water use export industries. When we ship a pound of beef out of country, how much water is effectively being shipped with it?

Comment openbsd (Score 2) 127

Openbsd defines any potential security issue as a bug. Emphasis potential. The interesting actual exploits these days are sometimes 15 unexploitable glitches strung together.

The Linux kernel is oriented towards supporting all the cutting edge hardware. This is not going to make security very practical. Openbsd is, ah, stodgy. But what openbsd brags on is "no remote holes in the default install" not "no local exploits".

I think that Linus cannot fix this sort of issue. Theo could take lessons from Linus on nasty around systemd but Linus has not been consistently nasty and I think it too late.

Send Theo money.

Comment Re: First World Problems (Score 1) 384

Curiously it is illegal in North Carolina to perform a same sex marriage ceremony simulation. Sure, you cannot get the government paperwork and everyone knows this but a minister doing the deed anyway is a criminal. So the government is being sued on 1st amendment religious freedom grounds by churches and ministers. You were saying?

Comment nuscale and general atomics (Score 1) 165

I live not far from Corvallis Oregon. Off the top of my head I think DOE just announced big awards in SMR. But not to the people who are crying in the story.

Around here we name our streets Gaia and hate nukes. And some locals picked up a quarter billion from DOE for SMR The first one will be in Montana.

Story might not be complete.

Comment Re: That is why social Hacking is Bad MmmKaa. (Score 1) 329

As it happens I am fine blaming the victim. But maybe blame is sort of something a dumb ass does. But that suggests that if you learned to blame yourself for what happened to the victim then you might end up less a dumb ass. As far as our standardized victim she should blame herself for not seeing how you set her up. After getting over that, she should recognize that you the dumb ass are not going to be helpful and the only one who will help her situation is herself. At this point we have a nice Hobbsian utopia.

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