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The Media

Submission + - "Fake Steve Jobs" blogger unmasked

taoman1 writes: Daniel Lyons, a senior editor at Forbes magazine, admitted he is Fake Steve Jobs after being outed by the New York Times. 'I'm stunned that it's taken this long,' said Mr. Lyons, 46, when a reporter interrupted his vacation in Maine on Sunday to ask him about Fake Steve. 'I have not been that good at keeping it a secret. I've been sort of waiting for this call for months.'
Red Hat Software

Submission + - Red Hat announces desktop Linux on whitebox PCs

Tookis writes: The world's largest Linux vendor Red Hat will release a pre-installed desktop version of Linux globally in September. The new Red Hat desktop targeting primarily small business users will be available on cheap whitebox Intel PCs and, according to Red Hat, will not try to be a Windows clone. The move contrasts markedly with Dell's Ubuntu desktop push. Distribution will be global through corner store whitebox vendors rather than brand name PCs. http://www.itwire.com/content/view/13876/53/

Comment Re:Do me a favour... (Score 4, Informative) 469

Absolutely agree with this poster. I work in Academia in an Ivy League which purchases approx $10-15 million of Apple inventory a year. My main gripe is AppleCare. The Dell/HP/Lenovo systems bundle a 3 year warranty, Apple force you to license and purchase 3 year support separately and drive any price differential higher. On the other hand, xservers, xraid and xsan are definitely priced competitively with Dell/HP/Lenovo.

Furthermore, Apple Enterprise Software Licensing and Sales are outright incompetent. I purchased ARD2.5 one month before 3.0 shipped, Sales backflipped on my eligibility for a "free" upgrade and eventually i gave up chasing down their mandarins, almost as bad as IBM. Nutty scenarios like iLife only bundled with new machines and not with OS upgrades which are stuck with inferior iPhoto etc? Arrgh!

Apple should stick to the software business and not attempt to niche hardware costs attempting to compete with the marginally profitable Asian manufacturing. Apple cannot compete on the SMB tier.
User Journal

Journal Journal: To Fertilise or to Infertilise

Its quite common for 21st century women to dedicate their 20's and 30's to their career and undergo intensive fertility treatment in their 40's. Apparently a woman hits her peak fertility rate at 25. Each year after that, a woman's fertility declines, and by age 40 a woman has only a 10-15% chance to conceive by a conventional legover. By "conventional legover" i mean intercourse and not DNC/RNC fence straddling.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The more things change....

No journal entries in the last 20 months. Has anything changed?

Absolutely. I am not the same person who wrote the previous posts.

I got married. 'Nuff said.

Still in the "new" job at the Uni. (tho' BS factor is decidedly lessened). The economy (here in Ma, US) is possible worse. Former employer announces layoffs on June 15th. HA! I have never regretted quitting!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hit me baby, one more time

I quit. I am Elective Unemployed. We do not figure in the statistics polled from those receiving assistance.

I received a 3% raise and $600 bonus. More than most people. It just was not enough for me. I could no longer stand to help old businessmen make more money in an institutionalised Ponzi scheme: A better dressed sweatshop.

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
