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Comment Re:This is America (Score 1) 528

As a father of a 9 month old. I'm telling you....I would KILL to keep her safe.

I'd be peppering the names of all faculty involved with this on telephone poles, and windshields, start a protest, and round up PLENTY of like minded parents and call for an emergancy PTA meeting stat. I would make it so damn easy for them to be local celebrities that they will most likely quit their jobs or move to another district out of embaressment and ridicule.

Either way, there are plenty of ways to get rid of people like this. Even if it's not a court ordered punishment.


The Power Grid Can't Handle Wind Farms 681

DesScorp writes "The Times reports on the problems of adding wind farms to the power grid. Because of the grid's old design, it can't handle the various spikes that wind farms sometimes have, and there's no efficient way to currently move massive amounts of that power from one section of the country to the other. Further complicating things is the fact that under current laws, power grid regulation is a state matter, and the Federal government has comparatively little authority over it right now. Critics are calling for federal authority over the grid, and massive new construction of 'superhighways' to share the wind power wealth nationally. Quoting the article, 'The dirty secret of clean energy is that while generating it is getting easier, moving it to market is not.'"
Desktops (Apple)

Andy Hertzfeld Shares His Thoughts on 25 Years of the Mac 142

blackbearnh writes "It may make you feel very, very old, but the Macintosh will be turning 25 in January. As we approach this momentous anniversary, O'Reilly News had a talk with Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original Macintosh designers, about the long and storied history of the Mac. Hertzfeld, who tells the story of the Mac in his book A Revolution in the Valley, shares his thoughts about how the Mac has aged over time, how life might have been different if Steve Jobs had stayed on at Apple, and the differences between working for Apple, and for Google (his current employer.)" Read on below for a bit of what Hertzfeld had to say.

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