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Comment Re:It's totally superfluous (Score 4, Interesting) 164

> It's hard to see how one could simplify Linux networking. It requires one ip addr command to set an IP address and one ip route command to set a default route. And on IPv6 even those are unnecessary, it's automatic.

And a dns, too. And the wireless network name. And the wireless network username+password.

And then, I have to do it all again in two minutes when you walk out of range. And then again when you get home. And then again at a cafe.

NM might not be the nicest of things, but it sure beats the hell out of running several commands every time I relocate myself/my laptop.

Comment Re:what's wrong with ifconfig? (Score 3, Insightful) 164

On Linux? To connect to WPA2 networks (including WPA2+802.1X). That's an everyday scenario for a pretty much every laptop user.

Sure, you can also do it via cli (with more tools than just those you mentioned), but, do you remember all the steps? Can you teach them to your mum? Can you automate it?

Comment SSL? (Score 1) 125

Wasn't it like 10 days ago that we say the demise of SSL 3.0, the last version still alive?
Yesterday we had news of Chrome dropping support for it.

Now facebook it setting up new servers that use it?

Comment Standarization (Score 1) 928

When jumping on a machine with a distro different to my own, I'd have to read for a while before understanding how to start/stop services. This was a pain if I needed to quickly help someone out on how to do something.

Now all distros run systemd, so it's just "systemd start nginx" on any gnu/linux distribution. Except gentoo, but I don't see a gentoo user asking me for help on how to do X. I also haven't come across clients with gentoo-based servers.

Standard service unit files help too. The work is done once, (generally upstream) instead of having to write service configuration files for every single distro (and keeping them up to date!). This may sound trivial, but the amount of effort reduced is immense!

Comment Re:Repeat history (Score 1) 184

From TFA: Thomas prefers a layered feature exposure so that users can enjoy certain advanced features at a later stage after they get accustomed to the basic functionality of the application.

I assume that they'll keep the options around, just not mixed with the very basic options. A big issue with KDE right now, is that the settings windows of any application has half a dozen tabs, with dozens of options each. The very basic options and most common options should be grouped together, an advanced settings slightly on the side. Otherwise, it's just too intimidating.

Comment Re:I seem to remember... (Score 1) 275

Linux client: Still propietary, something many *nix users actually care about.
Follows symlinks: So does almost any application out there. That's not a good thing, it's just a lack of a bug.
Automatic full resolution photo uploading from mobile: "full resolution photo" is another way of saying "large files". How does the content of a file make a difference?

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