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Comment Re:Intentional sabotage? (Score 1) 178

The issue with TB2 is the new connector. USB3 prospered because it used the same connector, so the adoption was gradual and unnoticable by most end users. TB2 has a different connector, and requires and adapter, which will discourage mass adoption (the same happened with firewire vs USB2 and TB vs USB3).

Comment Re:Or.. (Score 1) 360

That's easy to say for python and other high-level languages, but a lot harder for something in C. Especially due to a popularity of non-POSIX OSs out there.

Also, even if you do what you say, you still target and test your own platform first, and only start making sure it works on others once you have it working. Or do you test your code on all your target platforms from day 0?

Comment Re:Please justify $5 for one rental (Score 1) 137

Dear fan,

I am sure that you can find many other entertainment content options that also cost significantly more than $5, especially among those available on the first day of theatrical release. Many of them also require you to get off your ass and go somewhere, rather than letting you enjoy your entertainment experience in bed, at home, on your tablet.

That doesn't make sense. Seeing it from home should be cheaper, since they don't need a huge cinema, lots of personel, cleaning people, rent, etc, etc. They just deal with server costs which a way lower.

So, yeah. $5. It costs that much because we think it's worth that much, and because we think that enough people will agree with that assessment to make this business financially viable. In a very real and tangible way "what people will pay" is very much "what something is worth", at least for dollars-and-cents pricing decisions.


Joss Whedon

P.S.: I'm funnier than Louis CK, so there's that, too.

Cinemas cost less in different parts of the world. Maybe in the US a cinema costs $5, but not everywhere. Heck, even an Imax is around $5 where I live, and Imax is the most expensive one around.

This movie costs $5 even in places where that's more than twice the daily salary.

Comment Re:Quality? (Score 0) 137

$5 to watch a movie a single time!? Sounds like a huge ripoff. The most expensive cinemas in town cost less than that. The cheap ones cost about a fifth. And I only get to "rent" it, I can't even watch it again later, or with friends, etc.

I'm sorry, but I'm just sticking to thepiratebay until you fix your business model.

Comment 410 (Score 1) 72

Sounds like what they're trying to fix is scenarios where the server SHOULD be returning 410, not 404. This has nothing to do with PROPER 404 status codes.

Anyway, is something is so important mirror it yourself and be done with it. No need for html tags. BTW, it seems to blur the line between HTML and HTTP too much.

Comment Re:de Raadt (Score 1) 304

Because of how OpenBSD's allocator works, the "reading past the allocated space" code would trigger page faults on OpenBSD (not always, but some times). These are fatal, and make the program crash.

One of the messages on the thread linked in TFS mentions how this works in greater detail.

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