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Journal Journal: Reflections on the election 3

Orson Scott Card lays down some pretty heavy words that are worth reflecting on.

Me, I'm going to vote and it'll be an almost straight Republican line. I'll vote for Leiberman because he's earned my respect on defense and I'm not a huge supporter of some of the social aspects of the Republican line. Yeah, Joe's a flaming liberal on everything except the war, but right now that's the big #1 thing in my book. (The image of Lamont with Sharpton behind him and people chanting "Bring them home!" was just too much.)

So, that's where I stand on this and I think Card's captured the big issue correctly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Poor squiggle 4

Not happy enough to shut down debate, he also had to go and bitch about it. Not in my JE mind you, but as a coda to a question that I posed in his journal.

The irony is his ending:

As I said, go fuck yourself. You're a liar, a troll, and I'm amazed I held out this long.

Apparently he thinks that he should be rewarded for his perseverance in the face of a challenge to his authority. (Two posts being apparently his limit for "sufferring fools".)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gee, he foe'd me. 6

Apparently when you don't toe the line for the Democratic party purity test and maybe question some people's ideas it earns you a spot on their foe list. squigleslash accused me of trolling, rebutted my post, and foe'd me so I'd be unable to respond.

A truely class act.

Further indicative of the open-minded, big tent attitude of those who are busy labelling Lieberman as a traitor because he didn't meet the latest Democratic purity test (this test being decided by less than 10% of the Democrats in Connecticut mind you).

User Journal

Journal Journal: GMontag gets an Instalanche! 1

Congrats to Guy for landing a link from the Instapundit. Here

This should be intersting. If we link back enough then the Instalanche versus the SlashDot effect could make the Internet cease to exist...

User Journal

Journal Journal: On the importance of perspective 1

Some food for thought in the form of a screedy bleat.

This sums up the sheer amazement I felt as certain congress critters and senators got up this week and were busy declaring Iraq an abject failure amidst all of the news that was streaming in.


Journal Journal: Oil Industry-sponsored FUD at Slashdot? 12

I am absolutely stunned that Slashdot's editors would give credibility to a completely false story, pushed by a paid industry PR professional. As Rugrat said,

The "article" is not an article, but a press release written by an employee of a public affairs company.

"Tom Harris is mechanical engineer and Ottawa Director of High Park Group, a public affairs and public policy company."

For a website that spends so much time and energy combating FUD from Microsoft, and the MPAA and RIAA, it is baffling that FUD that was paid for and is pushed by the oil industry would make the front page here.

Come on, Slashdot. You can do better.


Journal Journal: So, About Dapper . . . 24

For the last year or so, I've been happily using Debian, with a mixture of sources so I was stable, but current, just like nearly everyone who uses Debian.

Then I tried to upgrade or something insane like that, using aptitude, and the whole thing went tits up on me. No amount of cussing, kicking things, or actual tinkering with the software could save my machine.

I thought about asking for some advice in the Debian forums, or on one of the lists, until I ran out of fingers in my entire family tree to count the times someone said some variant of, "Shut up, noob! Your stoopid and not leet leik I am! Go back to Winblows! Ha! HA! HA!!!1"

Yeah. Guess I'm not venturing into those waters, so I figured I'd just have to grab my network install CD and start over (luckily, I set up /home on its own partition a long time ago, so if I fuck something up really bad, I don't lose all my porn very important data.

The day I planned to reinstall Debian, I read that Dapper Drake had been released, and everyone loved it so much, they totally wanted to marry it. A friend of mine, who is wise in the ways of science and the air speed velocity of unladen swallows has also been singing the praises of Ubuntu for a long, long time, so I grabbed a Live CD to see what all the fuss was about.

Holy shit. What an awesome bit of work it is! It's the first Linux distro to find every single bit of hardware on my old Sony Vaio desktop machine, including all the USB ports. It looked great, too, and was the most "Mac-like" Linux I've ever used.

I realize that a lot of you are mocking me right now, but listen for a second: I'm not interested in hacking on my kernel to make sure something is detected during boot, or modifying all sorts of settings in a text editor just so I can make the damn thing find my camera . . . and don't get me started about CUPS. I love technology, and I love and fully believe in "free" as in speech, and I'm grateful for free as in beer. But also really into "works," as in just does. And on my machine here, Dapper Drake just works, and it's awesome. This is the Linux distro that I can take to my parents, and to my friends who are drowning in a sea of FUD, and convince them that they don't really have to be part of the Borg if they don't want to.

And ultimately, I believe that has to be our goal if we're going to convince people to give Linux a real, serious try as an alternative to Windows. We need to be able to tell them, with confidence, "Put this CD in your machine, and give it a try. I think you'll like it, because it just works."

User Journal

Journal Journal: A b'day of infamy

I'm sorry everyone, I truely am.

* 1888 - Jack the Ripper kills his third and fourth victims, Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes.

* 1967 - BBC Radio 1 is launched; the BBC's other national radio stations also adopt numeric names. Tony Blackburn presents the first show.

(I'm not sure which is scarier.)

* 1971 - Jenna Elfman, American actress

It's scary to think she's a year YOUNGER than me.

Yes, September 30th a day of infamy, despair, and destruction. I'm not living up to my birthright.

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