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Comment Re:There's gonna be high expecations from Asimov f (Score 1) 242

There is nothing ethical about abstaining from piracy.

You are depriving yourself from seeing a higher quality release, available now without DRM or commercials.

Obtaining the content in this way does not prevent you from supporting and/or purchasing the works in a format of your choosing at a later date.

Comment Re:What a shame (Score 1) 189

Most people agree with that, sort of.

What most are not OK with is the length (120 years after the death of the author, IIRC), and the depth. Why should this protection extend to preventing someone from downloading MP3's of a CD they have already paid for?

Can you think of any good reason? Because that is one of many examples (others being better quality products, lack of DRM, lack of availability) that justify piracy, and is something the pirate bay helped facilitate, as a service to the entire online community.

Most people are not against copyright as a principle, and agree with allowing the author some time and protection to profit. But the way things are now is ridiculous.

A man should never be in jail for something like this. It's abhorrent.

Comment Re:What a shame (Score 1) 189

Yes, I am taking the copy without paying for it, and I do so proudly.

When I was broke, I couldn't afford to see most movies, TV shows etc. I pirated them. Having access to this stuff has only helped me, and certainly has not helped the content creators as I could not have paid for it anyway.

It's not a sense of entitlement, but since it is freely available and I don't see it as hurting anyone, I don't see what the problem is in taking advantage of an opportunity.

More to your point, art shouldn't need this ridiculous protection. Throughout most of history artists made a living because of their performance, or their execution. No one could paint like Dali or Picaso, write like Shakespeare or compose like Mozart.

If you are good, people will pay for it. To protect every single idea as precious and to limit sharing is ridiculous, and not a sustainable model as we advance as a society.

Comment What a shame (Score 5, Interesting) 189

ALl this man did was help build a search enging allowing people to share.

This only benefits society.

There is no stealing, despite what some ignorant people unable to think for themselves claim.

Is there a loss in profit for original work? No doubt, but I would argue this is superseded by a) the increase in sales that piracy has been shown to affect, and b) the huge benefit to society by allowing information to be more freely accessible, to inspire and educate.

Comment Re: don't use biometrics (Score 1) 328

This shows IMHO a lack of understanding of how court tends to work. I think you should be right, but all too often the examples like you so readily dismissed will be taken out of context and misrepresented, resulting in more time and money and far from a guarantee of winning, despite being innocent.

Comment Re:Thank you! (Score 1) 125

5/ OpenBSD assumes the world is a bad place. Linux is just hoping no one will do something bad.

Yes, by barricading all doors and windows. In the event someone does get in to do something bad, there is very little in place to protect against it.

No ACL, Auditing, MAC etc. Just very basic chroots and securelevels. Meh.

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