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Comment Re:Alessonislearned (Score 1) 321

Although I don't think it qualifies as best of 2012, since it's updated just once in 2012, it's still very good. I also didn't know it updated, since it hasn't in years. Thanks for the heads up!

The art is done by the artist (David Hellman) who did the art for Braid (which was right after the comic stopped updating).


Video Hackers Hack Handcuffs at H.O.P.E. (Video) 172

Have you ever been handcuffed and wish you weren't? Even if you haven't, what if you plan to demonstrate at a political party convention in the next couple of weeks? Either way, you need to watch this video, shot by Timothy Lord and unknown_lamer at H.O.P.E. (Hackers on Planet Earth), which will teach you the rudiments of unhandcuffing yourself -- but on purpose leaves out the fine points. For those, you'll need to buy several pairs of handcuffs and practice on your own. At worst, you will probably embarrass yourself no more than Timothy does as he tries to shimmy his handcuffed hands from behind him to in front of him, starting at about 5:18.

Comment Scunthorpe Problem (Score 5, Informative) 185

There is a Wikipedia article about this issue:

"The problem was named after an incident in 1996 in which AOL's dirty-word filter prevented residents of the town of Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, England from creating accounts with AOL, because the town's name contains the substring cunt.[1] Years later, Google's filters apparently made the same mistake, preventing residents from searching for local businesses that included Scunthorpe in their names.[2]"

There is also a stub article about a specific instance of the replacement effect:


Submission + - Facebook Bug Reveals Private Photos (

constpointertoconst writes: A week or so ago, professional hackers (members of a bodybuilding forum) discovered a bug in Facebook's inappropriate content reporting feature that allowed access to recently uploaded photos of any user, irrespective of privacy settings. Recently, mass media picked up on this and the story is spreading like wildfire. Facebook has since patched the problem after disabling the feature. Thankfully, before the bug was patched, users managed to obtain several private photos from Zuckerberg's profile, featured prominently in the BBC article.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 422

I know plenty of 'geeks', myself included, who hate [i]the way CGI is sometimes (ab)used[/i], but not CGI itself, not across the board. There is a key difference there that should not be oversimplified.

In almost any context, there is room for appreciable value in both the high-tech approach as well as the raw, "old school" approach(es). It's great that C is reviving old approaches. There's been a general retro lean lately, but still plenty of room.

The more I spend time watching older films, the more I'm saddened by the eventuality that I am going to exhaust the cache of (decent) films that do certain things which are unlikely to be repeated in quite the same way (e.g. Lean's epics). So, things like this are a welcome sight, even if they rarely have the same feel when produced now as they did 30-100 years ago (which is also okay, because they have their own, unique feel instead; something new to bring to the table).

Comment Re:Pretty bad when EA seems more appealing (Score 3, Informative) 325

Burn-down charts are supposed to measure time remaining, not time spent working. They are most useful for avoiding situations where you suddenly realize that the project is behind schedule, at least short term. They are also intended for the team as a whole, not individuals (emphasis on the team is one of the core principles of Agile).

If you're tracking time worked as part of scrum, you're (probably) doing it wrong.

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